Rapidly Growing Web Hosting Services in India

The requirement of a website to be online without facing a downtime has increased the demand of web hosting services in India.

Ricky McFarland, Company Representative for Press and Media, Lanos Technologies was speaking to the journalists in her New Delhi based office in India. She spoke on various topics that the media men raised. On being asked about the current status of web hosting in India, she spoke in a much elucidated manner about it. She said, "With the growing need of a good web hosting service to run the expanding websites that cater to the Indian consumers, it is very much necessary that an excellent nature of web hosting company takes the lead. This will set the example for others as well as let the website owners have a standard of hosting service to look up to. Lanos is doing just that."

Aptly told by her and already with the standards set pretty high by the Lanos Technologies, it is a matter of time that will tell what the firm has to compete against in the near future. For now, yes; what she said about the need of adequate India web hosting services is greatly in demand, and this will only increase with time. Today more and more people are becoming engaged with the internet, for their various requirements, since it saves a lot of time and effort, which was spent on commutation, long queues, and energy. With a simple click, most of the work could be executed now.

Behind all that content, flash, pop-up windows on your browser, is the hard work of some smart webmasters who run their websites on the best web hosting services India. The web hosting is done on different kind of servers; they start from shared servers, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, cloud servers, cluster servers and more. However, only the first four are being used on a wide scale basis as these are easy to operate and maintain by the experts. The servers are loaded with the preferred operating system, which is a choice of the client.

A client can choose from Microsoft Windows or Linux, for the OS of their server. Windows has the technical backup of the Microsoft for all its licensed products that are being used in the OS along with the other application that may be required for the hosting purpose. This simple support of a world renowned company encourages many webmasters to choose this over the Linux. On the other hand, the Linux OS is open source software; it could be conveniently modified, distributed and shared among the people without the need of any sort of license or documentations.

The international web hosting companies are gradually making their way into the Indian sub-continent, for the demand of hosting services will increase at an extreme pace, once the majority of the young net savvy Indian population will be earning. They would love to spend via online purchase for services and commodity. A good hosting service would give all the necessary support and applications a website may require, to excel upon its competitors. If an SEO hosting service is combined with that, then it will be beating the competition for sure.

Lanos Technlogies is one of the leading VPS Hosting India companies catering to a large clientele across the globe. Based in India it has the most feasible dedicated, VPS and web hosting services even with Linux hosting server operating systems to provide maximum ease at a lower cost to all the clients.


Ricky McFarland
Rizvi Park
Andheri Mumbai
Telephone: 9775269814

About lanostechnologies
