Rankinity Announces Real-time Website Ranking Checker

Rankinity launches a search engine position checker service of the same name. Thanks to the real-time checking and thorough comparative reports, the Rankinity service makes the job of monitoring website positions in SERPs and tracking competitors.

From being a misty abbreviation, SEO has turned to a pledge of successfulness of a website and it´s availability to users. Today, SEO and tracking results are natural parts of website promotion and Internet advertising campaigns.

It is tracking website positions that the Rankinity service does. And the key feature here is real-time checking. The unique work algorithm of the service instantly obtains current position of a website in search engine results and displays it without any additional queries or reloading of the page. Furthermore, the checker is 100% automatic; it starts the process in background at specified time intervals without any user intervention.

Another remarkable feature of Rankinity is the support for both global and local search. This provides a user with ability to check rankings in a given country, region or city. And automatic competitor search allows a user to quickly determine leaders and the toughest competitors. The advanced comparative analysis allows revealing weaknesses in user´s own SEO strategy to quickly reconsider it and make appropriate changes in time.

Superior functionality of the service is accompanied with a lightweight interface, nice and clear diagrams and more than affordable price. And unlike competitive solutions, Rankinity doesn´t charge any subscription fees - a user only pays for rank checks actually done.

"We attempted to take into account needs of ordinary webmasters and experienced SEO professionals", concludes Felix Kosolapov, the Rankinity co-founder. "We have implemented a unique rank checking mechanism to process geo-targeted results, excellent inforgraphics, functions for easy collaboration and a straightforward interface - that is, all those things we once desperately needed ourselves."

Price and availability

Upon registration, every Rankinity user gets $5 to the account. The price of everyday website position checks for one keyword is merely $0.1 per month. This means, daily checks of 100 keywords during a month will cost $10. You can also reduce the costs manifold by increasing the interval between checks. Major clients doing over 1000 checks enjoy special discounts.


Website: http://rankinity.com/
Service features: http://rankinity.com/features

About Rankinity
