Randall L. Kies II's New Book 'Searching for Sanity' Is an Inspiring Mental Health Journey That Opens Discourse About Mental Illness and Finding Treatment

Fulton Books author Randall L. Kies II, an engineer with 35 years of experience in manufacturing, has completed his most recent book "Searching for Sanity": a real and brave retelling of how one struggled through his mental illness. Here, he wants to share his personal journey and talk about the effects of poor mental health identification, treatment, and discrimination in the workplace setting. 

Kies II shares, "I graduated with my master's degree after six years of night school in a nearby town. I was a shell of a person, empty inside and barely functioning. I received my degree with absolutely no hope of a better future. There had been so many years of survival mode, and I was on heavy doses of the wrong medication. Shortly after graduation, I would experience my first mental breakdown.

"How many people do you know that have admitted they have a mental illness? How many people do you know that have openly sought help? Have you ever considered who among your peers may have a mental illness? Would you offer to help, or would you turn your back on them? Finally, if you had some type of mental illness, would you discuss it with others? Would you seek help? What would you do? Do you even know what to do?"

Published by Fulton Books, Randall L. Kies II's book holds a lifetime of anxiety and depression and how one rose above them all.

The author dedicates this manuscript to his wife and to others who helped him with his mental illness and guided him into finding his sanity. He wants to share how their care and compassion shaped him into the person that he is now. 

Readers who wish to experience this stirring work can purchase "Searching for Sanity" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at support@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books