Raj Plasters Complete Its 40 Years Of Providing Best Quality Building Material In India

Raj Plasters, a prominent name in the real estate industry for providing finest building material in India and beyond is delighted to announce the completion of its 40 years of serving its prestigious individual and commercial clientele.

Raj Plasters, a prominent name in the real estate industry for providing finest building material in India and beyond is delighted to announce the completion of its 40 years of serving its prestigious individual and commercial clientele. While the organization has moved to a next level of excellence, it still believes that its core value still lies in providing maximum customer satisfaction and has a dream of transforming real estate strength and potency by providing best quality building material throughout its journey.

The company provides all kind of Elite, Excel, White, Craft, Surgical and Pottery Plasters throughout the country and abroad. Now it's planning to increase product lines for real estate sector. With best of the products and services it has managed to build a strong customer base and always strengthened its values for better multi domestic delivery.

Raj Plasters Pvt. Ltd. pioneers in Plaster of Paris industry develops a superfine quality of Plaster of Paris for Building purposes, which is economical in use, better in strength and glossy in finish.

Following are some of the points worth consideration:

1. Superfine Plaster of Paris is 250 mesh compared to 100 or 120 mesh commercial plaster. Plaster size being small it naturally covers more space per Kg. of Plaster.
2. Properly and mechanically calcined Plaster of Paris has much more strength as the smallest particle is calcined.
3. The silica particles in superfine are negligible, and hence Plaster finish is glossy.
4. The setting time of superfine is longer about 15 Mts. and hence the wastage at the time of application is reduced.
5. The background prepared for colouring etc. out of superfine plaster is morewhite and colour naturally on the same will give better shine.
6. The truck/Railway freight is same on both and hence costing of Special quality is proportionately reduced.

For more information please visit, www.rajplasters.com

About Raj Plasters
