Quotes.as Offers a 'Quote of the Day' on Multiple Social Platforms

Quotes.as, a premier quotation aggregator announced that its 'Quote of the Day' service is now available on multiple social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and via RSS feed.

The website allows users to access over 200,000 quotes by some of the world's greatest philosophers, scientists, activists, entertainers, artists and politicians. The website offers one of the largest free aggregations of popular quotations classified by author, topic and profession.

"The inherently social practice of sharing quotations is made far easier by the 'Quote of the Day' feature. It helps users of the world's most popular social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter connect share quotes with their friends and followers.", said a spokesperson for the website.
"At Quotes.as, the goal of making socially relevant quotes available is enhanced by an emphasis on a clean, ad-free interface, searchable content and providing auxiliary information that can be shared with a single click.", the spokesperson continued.

quotes.as presents quotes from a wide range of classic and contemporary authors. Every author on the website is featured with a small profile and a 'Did You Know?' section that gives user information and little known trivia about the author's life and work. This section helps a user learn of an author's history and gain insight into the circumstances and context of their quotes. Quotes.as differentiates itself from several other quotation aggregation sites by providing viewers with an ad-free user experience that is completely free and intuitive. The company announced the new feature as a part of the website's goal of providing logically categorized, free information that can be easily shared across social channels. Quotations are categorized by the name of the author, topic, profession and date. Users may also view quotes by the date of the author's birth or death. In addition to topical searches, the site also suggests related or relevant authors while viewing quotes from a specific author.

Quotes.as is a free website offering over 200,000 quotes across a range of interests and by a diverse group of authors including Nicki Minaj, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama, George Orwell, Albert Einstein and Dr. Seuss. The company offers free famous quotes in four languages.

The company continues to focus on the growth of its database of famous quotes that can be shared on several social media channels. Quotes.as also continues to expand its coverage of social media platforms with the recent inclusion of Google+.

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