Pulling Out All the Stops with SteamPower1830, the World's First Premium HTML5 Game

The world's first Premium HTML5 Game makes its debut in Cologne: The pair of games industry veterans, Ohl and Cukierski (formerly 49Games and Bigpoint), appearing at gamescom with their new games company, Hexagon Game Labs.

Hexagon Game Labs will unveil "SteamPower1830" (http://www.steampower1830.com) to a select audience of industry experts. The free-to-play online game (F2P game) is completely platform-independent and lets players use any device - from PCs or tablets to smartphones and smart TVs - to discover their strategic talents as they build their own railway empire in a miniature world created with loving attention to detail. As the first true cross-platform game, it liberates gamers from the current app stores' artificial limitations and provides a cooperative gaming experience with seamless transitions between different systems.

SteamPower1830 is a challenging cross-genre mix which combines city-building, strategy and resource management elements and is set in the age of the steam train, complete with a vibrant and evocative, freely configurable miniature world. Based on the company's proprietary Ubique Game Engine, the debut game from Hexagon Game Labs is the world's first Premium HTML5 Game. It delivers on the promise of uncurtailed freedom with cooperative gameplay and unified in-game chat that works absolutely barrier-free across all supported end devices. Arbitrary restrictions imposed by app stores and different operating systems are now a thing of the past. HTML5 makes it irrelevant which gaming system is used (e.g. Windows, iOS or Android), giving gamers free choice for the very first time and allowing them to find fellow players and teammates irrespective of the gaming platform selected.

Hexagon Game Labs founder and CGO, Peter Cukierski: "Hexagon Game Labs will rid mobile and social games of their shackles. We believe that web-based HTML5 games will replace the bulk of native app games within the next two to four years. The proof is in SteamPower1830, which we will be presenting to a select audience of industry professionals at gamescom in Cologne."

SteamPower1830's cooperative multi-player mode allows two players to collaborate on one of the game's scenario maps, a challenge that a single player alone could not master. Each player begins at a different point on the map. By linking up their respective track grids, the players can share railway lines and stations and expand the network together. Cooperation is key in building this railroad world, and success is achieved by mutual support. The players manage their own game currency budgets individually, but both profit from the other player's building activities. With the Ubique Game Engine powering the game, every single action taken by the co-player can be followed live on the other player's screen, even if different operating systems or platforms are used (e.g. PC and iPhone, or Android tablet and smart TV). And it almost goes without saying that a barrier-free in-game chat connects all players in the SteamPower1830 universe, again irrespective of the employed end device.

A SteamPower1830 game session can be paused at any time and resumed later at exactly the same point in the game. The same applies to the multi-player mode, which allows players to leave or join a shared game session at all times. The employed cloud technology prevents the loss of game data in the event that the Internet connection is interrupted, and so ensures an exciting and rewarding mobile gaming experience - anywhere and anytime.

Hexagon Game Labs will showcase SteamPower1830 at gamescom from August 21 to 23, at the joint G.A.M.E. Bundesverband booth (Hall 4.2, Booth B-031/ D-030). To schedule a personal meeting please write to: pr@hexagongamelabs.com.