Published by Fulton Books, Mel Andrews' New Book 'Crossover' Gives a Touching Tale That Revolves Around Family, Tragedy, and Moving Forward

Mel Andrews, a children's book writer and an author who lives in Iowa with her husband, has completed her most recent book "Crossover":  a profound narrative about a woman who lost her life just when she was about to spend retirement with her husband.

Mel writes, "Abby, a wife and a mother, just got the life she always dreamed about. Retired and ready to travel the world with her husband didn't go as planned. An untimely death left this family shattered, but Abby was not ready to leave her family, not just yet. Abby's daughter, Megan, is devastated by her mother's death. She doesn't think her life will ever be the same. Abby was Brody's rock. Will he survive her death? Ben, Abby's husband, tries to be strong for all of them, but he is only hanging on. The twists and turns of this family's tragedy will have you laughing through your tears. Will Abby cross over?"

Published by Fulton Books, Mel Andrews' book captures a wife and mother's love in this fascinating fiction that follows the life of a family after losing her, the light of their home.

Readers who wish to experience this stirring work can purchase "Crossover" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books