Proof Management Takes Trip to Cancun, Sets 2015 Goals, Hiring Push

The Proof Management leaders recently travelled to Cancun, Mexico for a corporate event in recognition of the achievements of its top producers. The director discussed future travel plans, goals for 2015, and launching a hiring initiative.

Team leaders at Proof Management, recently attended its annual team building event in Cancun, Mexico for its company’s top performers. “We are looking forward to a great 2015,” said Lindsay, the company’s director of operations. “Our success in 2014 was due to the dedication of our team. This trip was an opportunity for us to recognize everyone’s hard work and to make plans for the coming year.”

Proof Management’s Director Discusses Team Building and Upcoming Leadership Conference

"One of the keys to our success is our team approach,"

Lindsay S., Director of Operations

The managers at Proof Management believe that the best teams work together seamlessly. “One of the keys to our success is our team approach,” says Lindsay.  “At Proof Management, we create an environment where everyone can grow to his or her fullest potential.” All team members are well-versed in specialized areas, and are also provided with cross-training to enable them to assume roles as future team leaders and managers as they progress through their careers. “It is important that we promote an empowering corporate culture, which also provides a benefit to our customers,” says Lindsay.

The recent Proof Management, team-building event in Cancun provided social activities to foster the company’s collaborative work environment. “Enabling team members to spend time in a social setting allows everyone to get to know one another on a personal level. This helps us work more effectively together on a day-to-day basis,” said Lindsay.

In addition to the recent retreat in Mexico, the firm’s top performers of Proof Management will be given the opportunity to attend a leadership conference in the upcoming months. This event will be an opportunity for attendees to meet and network with industry leaders to learn best practices. Those traveling to the event will receive training in topic areas including business development, strategic planning, and market research. The leadership conference will also be a venue to recognize team members who have achieved significant milestones in their careers at Proof Management

Proof Management Defines 2015 Goals and Hiring Plans

One of the objectives for the team building event was to set goals for 2015. “Goal setting is paramount to our success at Proof Management Defining our goals for the upcoming months and years gives us the opportunity to measure our success, and to strengthen our teams,” said Lindsay. This year’s corporate event focused on setting objectives in the areas of team growth, loss prevention, profits, revenues, customer satisfaction, and promotions. “We are confident that our goals for 2015 are well-positioned for our continuing success,” said Lindsay.

Executives at Proof Management, have implemented an aggressive expansion plan for 2015, which includes a multitude of career opportunities. Positions are available for ambitious individuals who are looking for a long-term career path, with the opportunity to advance to upper management. New members of the team are partnered with more experienced managers to pass on business knowledge and to coach them on how best to achieve their own professional goals. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply via the company’s website.

The goals set by the firm’s leadership will assist them as they work to stay ahead of their competition. As Lindsay pointed out, with the continued progress in technology and social media, the impact on advertising and marketing has been significant. “At Proof Management, we continue to innovate in our marketing strategies by setting objectives to address these advances. Our proficiency in adjusting to ever-changing market dynamics gives us the ability to exceed the expectations of the brands we represent,” said Lindsay. "We are well-positioned to help our products reach their target demographics.”

About Proof Management

Proof Management is a high-performance interactive marketing firm dedicated to outstanding service. Their team of skilled and versatile branding specialists applies a dynamic promotions approach that ensures immediate impact and lasting connections between companies and customers. By combining precise planning with efficient implementation strategies, Proof Management drives brand growth while providing a high return on investment. The firm is a community-oriented organization that maintains a commitment to giving back. By participating in wide-ranging philanthropy initiatives, Proof Management supports the regions that have enabled their success.