Programmers' Support For Wpfw Radio General Manager John Hughes Continues To Erode

Hughes' attempt to win back support of nearly 80 of the Wpfw programmers who signed a 'Letter of No Confidence 'falls flat.

Washington, Dc.- After a hastily called 'all programmers' meeting to win back the support of nearly 80 (an overwhelming majority) of the stations' programmers, General Manager John Hughes' written response to their concerns not only failed to win back support, but lost the backing of on -air programmers who were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Miyuki Williams, host of ' Sunday Kind of Love' one of the most popular and well funded shows on Wpfw radio says, "John Hughes' response is vague and does not inspire confidence in his ability to lead. Wpfw is at a critical juncture,"

A number of programmers are even less optimistic of Wpfw's future under Hughes' management than they were before signing the official 'Letter of No Confidence."

"To use a well worn sports metaphor" says longtime programmer and former Deputy Executive Director of Pacifica Verna Avery-Brown, "this was John's chance to knock it out of the park. Instead he chose to punt. We got a perfunctory response devoid of passion, commitment and more importantly vision on his part. I really hoped he would seize this opportunity to turn this matter around. Instead I was completely underwhelmed by his response."

The list of grievances in the 'No Confidence 'letter included concerns about the failure of Wpfw's Development Department to pursue grants and secure off-air forms of funding for the station.

Returns from the December drive are thousands below the monetary goal set by management and indicate the kind of listener fatigue on-air programmers feared most.

The Reverend Graylan Hagler, Pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church and Andy Shallal, proprietor of the Busboys and Poets both attended a recent Wpfw Local Station Board meeting to urge Hughes during a community comment section to seek a peaceful mediation. The lsb voted to instruct Hughes to mediate all the matters outlined by programmers including the firing of longtime director Bob Daughtry.

The Chair of the 'Pfw Programmers Association' Jim Brown invited Pacifica Executive Director Arlene Englehardt to meet with them during her trip to Dc to assist Hughes in a matter of the station's relocation. Her reply was ,
' If I can fit in a brief meeting with you, I will give you a call. If not, I will talk with you the next time I come to the station.' That response does not appear that she understands the urgency of the situation we're currently in said Brown.

A comprehensive dialogue with Wpfw programmers can be viewed on Dctv on Robyn Holden's Anc and You program as per the following schedule.

December 15th 4pm
December 27th 6pm
December 29th 4pm

On Comcast channel 95,
Rcn channel 10
Verizon channel 124.400

News media are encouraged to contact for more information or to arrange interviews with spokespersons of the Wpfw Programmers Association. A full copy of the 'No Confidence 'document, and list of the on-air programmers signing on is available by requests.