Production and Market of Chlorpyrifos in China Edition (2) - CCM International Limited Market Research

Production and Market of Chlorpyrifos in China, CCM's second edition report of China's chlorpyrifos industry, is published in November 2010.

Production and Market of Chlorpyrifos in China, CCM's second edition report of China's chlorpyrifos industry, is published in November 2010. CCM makes comprehensive market analysis on chlorpyrifos technical and formulation production status, market dynamics (registration, price, supply and demand), and forecast the development trend of chlorpyrifos in the next five years. The report is very helpful in dealing with risks and capturing business opportunities under changing situation.

In this report, CCM points out that China is becoming one of the largest chlorpyrifos manufacturing bases. It is estimated that by 2015, China's total output of chlorpyrifos technical will account for 45% of the total amount globally. Thanks to the comparatively low price and high quality, Chinese chlorpyrifos manufacturers and exporters are gaining more market share globally. China's chlorpyrifos production capacity can reach about 116,000 t/a in 2010. The demand of chlorpyrifos that is one of the best-selling organ phosphorus insecticides, is on the upward trend in the worldwide scale. However, due to its supply exceeds demand, most manufacturers are still suffering from low operation rate of chlorpyrifos. The report reveals that the price of chlorpyrifos has fluctuated violently over the past few years, while it remaines stable in 2010. Since the third quarter of 2010, the price hike of raw materials has resulted in chlorpyrifos price rebound. It is worth noticing that some industrial giants will defense themselves from severe competition by upgrading production technology and sticking to their pricing strategy.

The market report mainly focuses on the following points:
>Updated data of chlorpyrifos technical and formulation in the past five years, including registration, supply, export, price, demand, etc.
>Identify potential and key chlorpyrifos producers in China
>Development status and influencing factors from industrial drivers and barriers
>Forecasting of chlorpyrifos supply, export, price, demand volume and value from 2011 to 2015
>Future development trend and China's position
>Analysis on commercial opportunities

Related publications by CCM for chlorpyrifos
Chlorpyrifos Global Report (completed in January 2011)
Monthly import and export analysis of chlorpyrifos and pyridine (available in ValoTracer)

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