Privacy Champion Anonabox to Launch Indiegogo Campaign to Benefit Legendary Hacker, 'Phone Phreaker' John Draper

Portions of 'Project Blue' to benefiting publishing costs of his autobiography

​​​​​​​​Leading Tor and VPN privacy router brand Anonabox, which helps maintain digital and online privacy, is looking to give back to one of computer hacking's founding fathers.

The company’s Indiegogo campaign, called Project Blue, will feature a limited edition blue Anonabox PRO, with a portion of the proceeds going directly to legendary hacker and “phone phreaker” John Draper. The 72-year-old Draper (also known as Captain Crunch or Crunchman) is currently writing his autobiography, and Anonabox is helping to fund the work through the crowdfunding campaign.

The Crunchman is a pioneer in the hacking field, and much of his work helped shape the computer industry, even today. As a way to give back, we're proud to support him as he writes his amazing life story.

Marc Preston, Anonabox CEO

“The Crunchman is a pioneer in the hacking field, and much of his work helped shape the computer industry, even today,” says Anonabox CEO Marc Preston. “As a way to give back, we’re proud to support him as he writes his amazing life story.”

Additional proceeds will benefit the Tor Project, at Draper’s request.

Indiegogo project backers will have several package levels to choose from that include the limited edition blue Anonabox PRO, functional Project Blue whistle that doubles as a USB drive or signed John Draper memorabilia. The PRO router includes Tor capabilities, VPN service, USB port for filesharing and access to the Deep Web, among other features.

The 30-day campaign runs Jan. 18 through Feb. 17. With no official monetary goal, the Anonabox team hopes to raise as much money as possible to fast track John’s autobiography. This will be the second Indiegogo campaign from Anonabox, the first of which was fully funded by more than 400 percent nearly a year ago.

Draper casts a tremendous and historic shadow in early counterculture and computer hacking circles. His main claim to fame is his 1971 discovery that he could open up phone lines for long-distance calls by blowing a toy whistle plucked from a box of Cap’n Crunch cereal. Thus, he earned his nickname, “Captain Crunch” or “Crunchman”.

About Anonabox

Anonabox privacy routers provide a robust layer of anonymity and privacy to web browsing by routing Internet traffic over the Tor network or via built-in VPN services (Virtual Private Network). These measures cloak the user’s IP address and location, allow the user to easily access the Deep Web, bypass censorship, and much more. To learn more about Anonabox, visit our website, or find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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