Premier Commodities focused on Jet Fuel,Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel,Natural Gas,LPG,LNG,Coal,and Sugar

Premier Commodities focused on supplying Jet Fuel, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, Natural Gas, LPG, LNG, Coal,and Sugar to Re-Sellers and End Users globally.

Premier Commodities, a global commodity trading firm, has changed their specialization of commodities products. Cedric D. Griffin, company founder, stated "Premier Commodities re-shifted our focus of core products to market based on more control and accessibility of the specific products that we now have made our core focus." Those products are Jet Fuel, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, Natural Gas, LPG, LNG, Coal, and Sugar. " We are very excited with the fortifying of our relationships with our Suppliers of the products. Our supply however, is not limited to just the core, they are only our top focus", Griffin said.

Premier Commodities is an international commodity brokerage established to become a global facilitator between End Sellers and End Buyers, eradicating the illegitimacy and the plethora of middlemen, ensuring a smooth and effortless closing of products. Partnering up on joint-ventures is also strength of the company.

Premier Commodities specializes in the following commodities: Jet Fuel, Gasoline, Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel, Natural Gas, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Coal, and Sugar.

Premier Commodities also deal in the following: Heating Oil, Ethanol, Bunker Fuel, Marine Diesel, Asphalt, Kerosene, Naphtha, Natural Gas Liquids (ethane, propane, butane, natural gasoline, & y-grade), zinc, copper, lead, nickel & cobalt.

D2, JP54, Used Rails, HMS 1 & 2, Cement, and Urea are also included.

Premier Commodities is headquartered in the United States of America and have operations abroad as well. Premier Commodities was founded by Cedric D. Griffin.