Preemie Parents to Launch New Website is a new website that is intended to provide resources for parents of premature babies. The website will include features that will help the parents of premature babies deal with the emotional roller coaster. to Launch New Website is a new website that is intended to provide resources for parents of premature babies. The website will include features that will help the parents of premature babies deal with the emotional roller coaster of having a premature baby. The website supports the ideas and messages that are offered in Preemie Parents, 26 Ways to Grow With Your Premature Baby, an inspiring parenting resource published by Sellers Publishing. features include an interactive forum for parents of premature babies. The forum is a key element of the website in that it enables PreemieParents to work toward their goal of creating the largest online community of parents of premature babies. The site also has a resources area, a gift shop and many more sections designed to give support to parents of preemie babies.

Tami Gaines, the author of Preemie Parents, is the mother of four children including 2 premature twins. She has garnered national recognition as an advocate and spokesperson for parents of premature babies. With an MBA from Columbia University, she also has an accomplished background as a marketing and business strategist, trainer and a motivational speaker. will also feature a review area where preemie parents can learn about different products and services that support them during their journey in the neonatal intensive care unit ("NICU").

Reviews like these will be invaluable since products of this kind are so difficult to find.

Prematurity is a worldwide epidemic. Based on reports from the March of Dimes, almost 12.9 million babies are born too soon each year throughout the world. More than half a million babies are born too early in the United States alone. These babies are struggling to survive in one of the hundreds of Neonatal Intensive Care Units that are located throughout the United States.

On August 25, 2009 The New York Times stated that parents of babies that are in the NICU suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder because of the emotional impact of having a premature baby. Usually, this kind of disorder is often associated with "surviving war, car accidents and assault". These parents will benefit the most from joining the community at

About Tami Gaines
After navigating the most difficult and transformational two years of her life, that included a six-week stay in the hospital; an 18-month journey with her 25-week-young twins in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; an unexpected divorce after nearly 12 years of marriage; and losing both of her grandmothers within three months, Tami finally agreed to do what doctors, nurses and parents had been asking her to do - share her story of triumph and her process for successfully emerging from her challenges as a more empowered person. In Preemie Parents: 26 Ways To Grow With Your Premature Baby she helps parents learn to cope - as she has - by opening their hearts to learning life's lessons. With an MBA from Columbia University and 25 years as an entrepreneur and executive, Tami could not have foreseen the events that would take her from the board room to the hospital room.

Woodman Field, Montclair
Montclair, NJ
