Practice Mastery Membership Provides Practitioners Cutting Edge Knowledge to Grow Their Practice

Practitioners who have wanted to learn more about how to run and operate their practice successfully have had limited opportunity, with few programs available.

Practitioners who want to learn the many areas of business training required for practice success can now avail themselves of a powerful resource that, up to this point in time, has not been available.

The Practice Mastery Institute has released a membership program that provides access to all the core building blocks of a successful practice:

• Marketing
• Sales and conversion
• Wellness care delivery systems
• Service
• Practice management
• Social media marketing and communications

The Practice Mastery membership site provides introductory trainings in each of these areas to enable the practitioner to understand and learn the wide scope of practice elements necessary for success.

By providing introductory modules in each of these areas of practice, the practitioner begins to learn the necessary skills to develop their understanding of what is required for a successful practice in a cost and time-effective manner.

The membership site is an online, flexible learning system that allows practitioners, in their own time, to learn what is necessary to begin their journey towards mastery of the principles of practice. Webinars, audio mp3's and downloadable PDF's make the system highly accessible and the content guarantees success.the programs that are available focused on single areas such as marketing or practice management. Furthermore, training programs have, more often than not, been larger programs, often focused generically on businesses (as opposed to being specific to the health industry). This has now all changed with the Practice Mastery Institute providing a membership site that provides introductory training in all of the areas required for practice success.

To learn more about the Practice Mastery Institute's membership site give them a call at 1 800 770 217, or send email to

The Practice Mastery Institute is located at 1st Floor, 142 Monaro Street, Queanbeyan, and has operated since 1995. PMI is the words first online, flexible learning system for practitioners. More information can be found online at