PR Powerhouse Chekmayan on Tiger's Future

Interview journalist speaks with public relations strategist and crisis management expert on Tiger Woods. Continues Content Coup

Miami, February 19/ I-newswire - Ten years ago, as a starry eyed teen, Chris Yandek began interviewing pro-wrestlers fueled by adolescent passion. In short order, however, he found his truest love was the art of the interview itself.

Now 24, Yandek - a graduate of the University of Florida's broadcast journalism program - has a library of more than one thousand interviews with some of the biggest athletes, celebrities and movers and shakers of all time. And he is just warming up.

Not only has Chris interviewed Whoopi Goldberg, Kate Beckinsale, Eva Longoria, Mya, Kevin James, Ernest Borgnine, Steve Wozniak, Gloria Allred and Roy Black, his work has been consistently picked up by outlets like TMZ, NY Post, AOL,, and the Chicago Sun Times

Just this week, Yandek posted his interview with famed psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel G. Amen about his studies of brain damage in NFL players. The story was followed up on by, a well regarded AOL site targeted to moms.

Yandek landed another content coup this week. After PR powerhouse Ara Chekmayan gave his insights on Tiger Woods to venerable New York City radio station 1010 WINS, Yandek was able to get Chekmayan to bare some media relations secrets, the kind PR gurus use to help save their client's careers.

Said Yandek, "It's all about the story, the untold story, the story behind the story." People are hungry for quality content. I'm just honored that high caliber people feel comfortable enough with me to open up. Chekmayan's a genius. He's energetic yet modest. His insightful comments on Tiger Woods and crisis management makes for compelling listening and reading."

CONTACT: Chris Yandek,,

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10874 S.W. 112 Avenue
Miami, FL
