[PR] Open Source TioLive Innovates with Distributed Cloud Computing Model... ahead of Proprietary PaaS Leaders

TioLive, the Open Source Platform as a Service (PaaS) and ERP/CRM Software as a Service (SaaS), announced the release of TioLive Grid. With TioLive Grid, everyone can now run on his own servers a Private Cloud or a Community Cloud at no license cost.

Dover (USA), Paris (France) - April, 20th 2010 - 12:00 UTC - TioLive LLC, the company behind the TioLive ERP/CRM platform has just released TioLive Grid. TioLive Grid is the first open source solution which enables any user to deliver and manage ERP/CRM instances on its own Private Cloud. While more and more users are subscribing to TioLive, TioLive Grid aims at giving more freedom to customers and offers total control over sensitive business data. TioLive Grid is the first step towards Distributed Cloud Computing, a new approach to Cloud Computing which will eventually replace over the next years legacy Centralized Cloud Computing solutions controlled by proprietary SaaS vendors.

Jean-Paul Smets, TioLive CEO says: "TioLive Grid can be used by registered TioLive users who want to deliver and control TioLive ERP/CRM/KM on their own server. Whenever a user installs TioLive Grid at home, at his or her company or elsewhere, he or she can provide to anybody, including himself or herself, an ERP/CRM/KM platform which is Free, Open Source and online."

Jacques Honore, TioLive Community Manager adds: "TioLive Grid is one more step towards Complete Freedom and Total Control by users over their private data. All customers' data is kept on his own server. All server software is open source. There is no lock-in at all for TioLive users."

Lukasz Kazimierz Nowak, TioLive Grid Project Manager concludes: "TioLive Grid is the easiest solution for governments and corporations to create a Private Cloud or a Community Cloud. We have been focusing on automating as many processes as we could. This leads to a solution which can be used by anyone without being a developer or a system administrator. TioLive Grid will soon be available for all GNU/Linux distributions: Mandriva, Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, SuSE, etc. thanks to buildout based distribution independent packaging technology."

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* Elodie Pot - VP Communication, TIOLIVE LLC - elodie (at) tiolive (dot) com
* Jacques Honore - VP Community,TIOLIVE LLC - jacques (at) tiolive (dot) com. Phone +33 (0)6 99 29 50 55
* Jean-Paul Smets - CEO Nexedi SA - jp (at) nexedi (dot) com. Phone +33 (0)6 29 02 44 25

TioLive Grid

TioLive Grid Beta version can be downloaded at: appliance.tiolive.com

About TioLive

TioLive is the world leader of Total Information Outsourcing (TIO) solutions based on cutting-edge Open Source Cloud Computing technologies and Free Software Ideals. Born on the Web 2.0, TioLive provides a consistent range of business applications which are delivered through a straightforward Software as a Service (SaaS) approach. TioLive integrates seamlessly an ERP, a CRM, a CMS, business email, Voice over IP (VOIP) telephony and business chat. TioLive is free of charge for any number of users. TioLive comes with no advertising and no time restrictions. TioLive follows strictly the principles of TIO Libre (www.tiolibre.com) and intends to provide the world with the highest standards in terms of privacy and trade secret protection.

TioLive is member of the Free Cloud Alliance - www.freecloudalliance.org

More information at: www.tiolive.com and www.osoe-project.org

About Nexedi

Nexedi is the creator and leader of the ERP5 open source ERP project. ERP5 has developed and deployed ERP5 for a wide range of industries such as aerospace, apparel, banking, healthcare and government. ERP5 is used in companies of all sizes in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South Americas. The open source nature of ERP5 eliminates licensing costs and provides full freedom to update and customise the system as business requirements change with no single vendor lock-in. Nexedi provides 24H around-the-clock support to corporations and governments wishing to migrate their mission critical applications to open source software solutions.

Nexedi respects the principles of TIO Libre Initiative to protect the independence of its customers.

Nexedi is member of the Free Cloud Alliance - www.freecloudalliance.org

More information at: www.nexedi.com and www.erp5.org


TioLive, Nexedi and ERP5 are registered trademarks of Nexedi. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.