PPG Agencia Digital - Digital Marketing

1-Digital marketing

Cross-Channel Marketing:

Cross Channel (cross-checking). Means using many channels to convey the message, of course channels that are ideal for your segment.

Marketing content: it is the form of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of content to have more customers. This being he videos, news, ebooks, blog posts, guides, articles, white papers, questions and answers, and others.

Social Marketing:

Social Marketing is the management process of social innovation aimed at promoting something on a social issue, using marketing techniques.

Data management:

One of the basic pillars for a ommnichannel strategy is the ability of a company to work with data. In addition, data allow a company to evolve in relationship management with customers, product analysis and strategic management.

Learn more about digital marketing and know the optimal strategy for your business. Enter our website and contact us, we are online:

< a href="http://www.ppgagenciadigital.com.br">ppg agency

About PPG Agencia Digital

PPG Agência Digital
Marketing Digital
Serviços de Marketing
Comunicação estratégica

PPG Agencia Digital
maria monteiro , #31
Campinas, SP