Powering Ahead With Ladies' Night In Motorsports

MindCHIC Club! (MC²!) collaborates with Cheryl Tay Pte Ltd to enhance Ladies' Night @Kartright, a monthly female-only karting course held at Kartright Speedway, Singapore.

Ladies in Singapore with an inclination towards motorsports now have a greater reason to cheer as prominent motorsports personality Cheryl Tay combines forces with MindCHIC Club! (MC²!) to further boost the all-female initiative to encourage more women to embrace the testosterone-heavy sport.

Previously announcing the sponsorship of two teams - one all-female and the other all-male - for the inaugural OCBC Corporate Karting Challenge 2011 through Cheryl Tay, who will be fronting the initiative, MC²! will also be involved in Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright.

Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright is the brainchild of Cheryl Tay, with the objective of providing a female-friendly platform in motorsports, starting with the basics of the sport - go-karting dot It is essentially a karting course targeted at women with drive to step up and blaze the track with their enthusiasm.

Success of the first two Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright held in February has led to the continuation of Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright as a monthly event, with the next one at the end of March. Backed by popular demand, Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright ultimately serves as a platform for new friendships of like-minded passion and a regular dosage of racing fun.

MC²! will be supporting Cheryl Tay with demand generation, registration and order
processing for Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright dot This will enable Cheryl Tay to focus on fully utilising her expertise in motorsports to create the best Ladies' Night experience ever, while MC²! manages the operational nitty gritty.

"We are absolutely delighted to partner Cheryl and be part of her quest to help more ladies develop their interest in motorsports. Together, our dream is to see women regularly winning local and foreign races within the next three years," said Richard Chai, Business Development Director for MC²!.

Studies have shown that, among other reasons, many people eventually give up on a sport or hobby because of the lack of a support group to discuss tips, share experiences and organise matches. "Ladies' Night ( @ ) Kartright is not a one-off event. What we hope to achieve is a community of female motorsports enthusiasts who will continue to keep in touch and interact with each other even off the track. One way we are ensuring this is through the group for female karters that I am hosting in MIndChic Club!'s sports and hobby community platform," added Cheryl Tay.

About MIndCHIC Club! (www.mindchicclub.com)

MindChicClub.com (MC²!) is a niche portal that specialises in introducing and facilitating Sports, Games and Hobbies to working adults to help them achieve a well-balanced career and life. Sports, Games and Hobby experts are provided with a social community platform and business services that result in enhanced profitability and high customer satisfaction.

About Cheryl Tay Pte Ltd (www.cheryl-tay.com)

Cheryl Tay Pte Ltd is a company that specialises in consultant services, public relations and editorial services, with a focus on motorsports but not exclusive to motorsports. Cheryl Tay is Singapore's only female full-time motoring journalist and motorsports blogger, with regular contributions to prominent titles in Singapore, Asia and internationally, having interviewed several Formula 1 drivers and other key motorsports personalities. With hopes to reach out to a greater motoring audience, Cheryl is currently planning to rope more ladies into the drivers' seat with initiatives such as Ladies' Night @Kartright, an all-female karting course, and an all-girl team for the OCBC Corporate Karting Challenge 2011.

About Cheryl Tay
