Popcornopolis and McDermott Costa Insurance Celebrate Receiving SAFE Workplace Award

Safe Workplace Award given Popcornopolis and McDermott Costa by the Controllable Premium National Education Association CPRNEA.org for 365 days without a lost time injury

How happy would you be...to succeed at having fewer employee injuries/claims than your competitors ?
What can it be worth..........to have better employee safety training and a focus on zero "lost time" ?

Answer: all smiles for the executive team at Popcornoplis.

The "Workplace Safety " Awards are issued annually to Employers and their agents who work together year round to create a culture of safety in the workplace. Award winners must show a documented 3 year improvement in claims per thousand work hours and reduction in their X-MOD. Paulette Sun-Davis stated, "Mike has been a great advisor to us. He has continued to guide us in setting up new processes and systems; and the result is our insurance costs are lower as a percentage of sales."

The answer to "what can it be worth"... is Popcornoplis and its insurance advisor McDermott Costa's TEAMWORK has resulted in a 33% drop in their Workers Compensation Experience Modifier. That work has translated into a savings of $116,148 for Popcornoplis in terms of insurance premium they have not had to pay. "We figured the savings and it would require selling a whole, whole lot of popcorn to equal that savings," laughed Wally Arnold CEO.

Sr. VP Michael McDermott says, "With every employer we try to isolate 3 things that can create the greatest financial improvement. Sometimes it's improved hiring procedures, sometimes it's in-house training for frontline supervisors, and then behind the scenes, we always make 100% sure all claims have immediate follow-up and attention paid to claim reserves. I am proud of their accomplishment in achieving 365 days without a lost time claim."

McDermott Costa has a practice management expertise in the Food Industry specializing in both venture capital funded and privately held Burger King franchises, parent companies like Nations Giant, catering firms like The Epicurean Group ( X-Mod = 75), Mr. Espresso (X-Mod = 70).

About Controllable Premium National Education Association

Controllable Premium National Education Association
1363 Roselawn Ave
Thousand Oaks, CA
