PMAMCRM Launches a Full featured CRM Software Solution for Free

In an age of fast moving consumer goods and innumerable choices, gaining and retaining customers is becoming a growing challenge. Products and services providers can no longer depend on brand loyalty or geographical location for retaining customers.

In an age of fast moving consumer goods and innumerable choices, gaining and retaining customers is becoming a growing challenge. Products and services providers can no longer depend on brand loyalty or geographical location for retaining customers. The new consumer trend is to experiment with different products and scout for best price-value combinations. With the advent of Internet, consumers are now shopping online from places they may have never visited and scoping unheard of deals.

To convert leads and prospects into clients and to then retain them, a goods or services provider must make sure that the customer is satisfied with the product and must make efforts to maintain a systematic and pro-active customer contact. By maintaining regular contact with a client or prospect, an organization can ensure that they remain in the customer's line of sight should the need arise.

PMAM CRM - the free online Customer Relationship Management system includes a simple yet immensely useful feature to ensure that an organization can maintain regular contact with prospects and clients in an effective but non-intrusive manner. This feature is known as the Campaign Feature.


A Campaign is a specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new or changed product or service, or in using new marketing channels and methods.

A Campaign involves an organized and coordinated effort to promote the sale of a certain product or group of products using multiple forms of media.

Campaigns can be sent out to maximize the effects of advertisements, discount schemes or direct mail.

The PMAM CRM Campaign Tool

PMAM CRM has an in-built feature called the Campaign Tool to facilitate the creation and distribution of a Campaign. The Campaign Tool enables the organization to create a series of marketing communications and then send them out to a user-defined selection of prospects and customers on pre-specified dates.

How it works:

Creation of Templates:

PMAM CRM users can create and save one or a series of email templates containing the campaign information.

Selecting customer base:

Once the templates are created, prospects and clients who are to receive this information are selected from the leads database.

Defining campaign schedule:

The campaign schedule is then defined specifying which email is to be mailed out on which date.

Automating this entire procedure ensures that the emails are mailed out to the selected clients at the scheduled intervals. No further human intervention is required but you have still managed to create touch-points with all your prospects and clients.

Features and Benefits of the PMAM CRM Campaign Tool

Create email templates and save in the PMAM CRM system.
Customize email templates with user-defined layouts and images
Select single contacts or groups of contacts
Select dates on which the various emails will go out.
Attach images, files to the emails.
Attach feedback surveys to your campaigns

Templates can be used at a future date. Templates are accessible from anywhere, at any time.
Templates can be made attractive and attention-grabbing.
Send the mailing to only those contacts for whom this information will be relevant. Prevent spamming clients who are not interested in these products or features.
Automating the process will ensure that the mails get sent out as scheduled without requiring any further intervention.
Product brochures and pictures can be easily sent out with your communication.
Achieve twin objectives of contacting your client base as well as receiving their feedback on your products or services.

PMAM CRM is a free solution for customer relationship management and sales force automation that provides every feature and benefit of products costing thousands of dollars. PMAM CRM is perfect for all organizations be they a single-person business, SMEs or multinationals. PMAM CRM is a secure, reliable, and fully supported marketing tool that increases revenue, lowers costs, and facilitates client satisfaction and retention.

To create a PMAM CRM account for yourself, log onto and register.

About pmam crm

pmam crm
105 decker ct. suite 675 irving 75062
Irving, TX
