Pioneering Online Marketing Firm Help UK Businesses with Revenue Boosting Competition

Nottinghamshire online marketing company help online businesses boost profits with an innovative new competition.

Nottinghamshire based online marketing company, Boom Online Marketing, are thrilled to announce the launch of their first ever competition.

As experts in all spheres of online marketing, including search engine optimisation, pay per click management and conversion rate optimisation, Boom are offering UK businesses the chance to boost their revenue free of charge by giving away three conversion rate optimisation reports.

Conversion rate optimisation entails analysing a website in detail, then outlining tweaks and changes that can be made to ensure the maximum possible number of visitors to the site turn into sales or leads.

While most facets of online marketing are centred on driving more traffic to a site, conversion rate optimisation takes the existing traffic and gets more out of it.

Boom themselves are a relatively young company, still yet to reach their second birthday. Despite their youth, the past 18 months have seen them enjoy an unprecedented amount of success while growing at a rate that has surpassed all expectations.

The firm are keen to share their success and help other UK businesses boost their revenue using Boom's unrivalled talent and expertise.

The reports will be carried out by Boom's joint director and resident conversion rate expert, Robert Deans.

To date, Robert has built an impressive portfolio of clients whose revenue he has helped multiply, with his proudest achievement sitting at a 300% revenue boost for one client.

Other feats include a 136% increase in enquiries for a different client and a five times increase in newsletter registrations for another.

These invaluable reports are worth between £600 and £1200 each, though the potential value added to the winners and their sites is incalculable.

Those wishing to enter the draw can find full details over at the Boom blog here All entries must be received by midnight on Tuesday the 3rd of January.