Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions Gives Back to Build Team

When it comes to building a successful team, the Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions managers believe that a bit of selfless giving is the best strategy. These leaders described how they incorporated philanthropy into their culture.

“From day one, we’ve embraced the idea of giving back to our community,” stated Raymond, Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions’ Director of Operations. “We recognize that part of a strong business model is being a good neighbor to our region and our world. Therefore, we focus on activities that allow us to give back as a group.”

As Raymond shared, the Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions team’s activities vary by cause and organization. “We spend time considering what makes the most sense,” he said. “Sometimes, we do fundraisers or collect items, like a food drive or toys for tots during the holidays. Other times, we might roll up our sleeves and put in some labor.”

"More importantly, we involve our team in determining what organization or cause is most important to them and how we can make a difference. There's more commitment overall."

Raymond , Director of Operations

“The point of volunteering as a group is to make a difference for the organization we’re supporting and our team,” he noted. “In other words, it needs to be meaningful. Some firms focus on signing people up for payroll deductions that go to charitable causes. What are their associates getting from that? Sure it’s painless if it’s like $5 to $10 a month, but in reality, associates really see it as a tax.”

Raymond described the process at Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions as more hands-on. “We set goals with each philanthropic campaign,” he said. “More importantly, we involve our team in determining what organization or cause is most important to them and how we can make a difference. There’s more commitment overall.”

Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions Managers on Why Philanthropy Helps Team Bonding

One of the benefits Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions receives from team-based philanthropy is stronger bonds among associates. “There’s a definite connection between doing something that makes you feel good and how you feel about those who share that experience with you,” Raymond stated. “It’s far more effective in building key team relationships than any sharing exercise we’ve done.”

As Raymond explained, the firm’s approach to philanthropy is associate-centric. “While we vet organizations to ensure they reflect our firm’s values, we do encourage our team to take ownership of how we’ll give back,” he elaborated. “It allows them to put their innovation, goal-setting, and time management skills to the test. It’s refreshing to watch how they can come together to do something impactful.”

“Working together, like at a soup kitchen or animal shelter, can be humbling for everyone,” he added. “It breaks down the barriers between departments and titles, and helps everyone become more attuned to each other as people. It fosters better communication and trust.”

Raymond concluded, “There’s nothing as powerful in life as knowing you’re making a positive difference. We take every opportunity to do so.”

About Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions

Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions, Inc. is a leading force in the world of dynamic outreach. The team’s approach to brand engagement yields lasting bonds between businesses and buyers. With effective, research-based strategies, the company’s associates push the services they promote far beyond the competition and into new markets. The firm’s management uses a thorough training and coaching routine, which helps develop people who work hard and act with integrity. They bring fresh insights to every project they run. Find out more about their work at 

Source: Pinnacle Marketing & Promotions