PHIT America Announces $10,000 Coloring Contest Featuring the Work of International Artist Romero Britto

$10,000 Britto/PHIT America Coloring Contest

Britto, PHIT America and its partners are shining a spotlight on the need to get kids active and moving for better health and happiness through a $10,000 BRITTO/PHIT AMERICA COLORING CONTEST, featuring Britto's famous designed sport and fitness images.

The $10,000 BRITTO PHIT America Coloring Contest opens March 1 and lets kids color in Britto-designed sport and fitness images and also submit their own designs featuring their favorite sports or activities. Hundreds of prizes will be randomly selected, along with prize awards for the best designs submitted by children. Every entry can access valuable coupons and discounts from leading sporting goods manufacturers and retailers. A grand prize of playground equipment will be provided by the Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation and awarded to the school and their students with the most entries submitted.

PHIT America, whose mission is to improve the physical and mental health of children through physical activity, teamed Britto, presenting sponsor Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation and supporters including Wilson, Life Fitness, USTA, Speedo, Athletic DNA, Lucky in Love and many others to promote the "Get Active and PLAY" campaign, leading up to the coloring contest. The campaign featured a series of Britto-designed images encouraging kids to run, play tennis, golf, swim, ride a bike or play team sports.

Romero Britto explains, "Ever since I learned about PHIT America, I saw the need to dedicate myself to getting kids healthier and happier through increased physical activity. Kids are way too sedentary and unhealthy. So, we are promoting the 'Get Active and Play' campaign for HAPPY HEALTHY KIDS artwork through my network. The Coloring Contest will engage kids while we promote the importance of physical activity and sports for improved health. I hope everyone can get involved with this important mission and support PHIT America."  Watch the video from Britto.

"We need to overcome the 'Inactivity Pandemic'," adds Jim Baugh. Recently, UNICEF Report showed U.S. kids were ranked last in physical health…ranked
38th out of 38 countries. 93% of all children in America are not active to CDC physical activity standards. One of the big reasons for this is that almost 50% of schools have eliminated physical education and many have eliminated recess. Our kids are in bad shape and unhealthy. PHIT America is dedicated to overcoming this pandemic." To support PHIT America's efforts to get kids active and healthy, visit  

Through its established physical activity programs, PHIT America has introduced over 600,000 kids to physical activity in over 1,000 schools. PHIT welcomes private and corporate donations in its pursuit to end the Inactivity Pandemic. Donate and learn more about PHIT America by visiting All data and research sources can be found on  PHIT America is led by Sports Industry Hall of Fame member and former President of Wilson Sporting Goods, Jim Baugh. For more information, contact

Source: PHIT America Foundation

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