Philips Blu Ray Lineup Comlete and Sony 3D Television, providing detailed reviews, of DVD, HD DVD and Blu Ray Players, Movies and soon, HD TV (High Definition TV) and 3D TV. Detailed reviews of the latest Players including the latest Philips, Samsung, Panasonic, Denon and Sony Blu Ray P

October 16, 2009 - has an ever growing array of Blu Ray player reviews with links to the best shopping portals to find the best priced blu ray players on the market today. With an increasing amount of home entertainment consumer electronics being released it is important that all information is kept up to date.

The professional reviewers for are working tirelessly to maintain the reviews section and will soon have completed a full review of the latest Philips Blu Ray players, who's product range was completed mid 2009.

The website has recently been completely re-designed with a fresh look, simple navigation and clear information making it easier for everybody to find the best information about the latest blu-ray players.

"Our previous format was simple and clear, but this new format looks much fresher and has a modern minimalist appeal encapsulated by many of the worlds most successful websites" Oakland said. "With the growing array of Blu Ray film titles being released and more studios moving to this format, we are dedicating ourselves to creating an informative and unique movie review section to the website to be soft launched over the next few months."

"By keeping our reviews simple, complete and easy to read, we get great response from our readers" Oakland added, "Keeping the reviews concise really is unique in the technology market". has been live on the internet for 9 months. It boasts some of the most detailed reviews on the internet including a virtually complete range of Sony Players including the Sony BDP S300, Sony BDP S350 and the coveted Sony BDP S500. The full lineup of Philips Blu Ray players will be complete in a matter of days and will feature the most detailed Philips Blu Ray reviews.

A complete range of Samsung, Pioneer, Denon, Philips and Sony Blu Ray Players is also featured on the site. Each of these reviews includes a simple graphic of each player and a link to the cheapest online retailer of DVD blu ray players.

What does the future hold for and our readers? We'll be producing more great articles and reviews about Blu Ray, HD DVD and soon to come, tons of information on HD TV. "3D TV as announced by Sony recently is very exciting and we'll be watching it closely bringing our readers the top news as it happens" Oakland said.

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