Philip Strackbein's New Book 'The Dark Matter Recordings' is a Spellbinding Fiction That Positively Interweaves Science, Technology, Romance, and Biblical History

Philip Strackbein, a missionary who evangelized in different parts of Latin America for the past four decades, has completed his most recent book "The Dark Matter Recordings": a spiritually invigorating historical novel that respectfully approaches the wonders of science and technology without disrespecting what is already written in the Scripture. The story begins with Philip who is assigned to work with the Hobble Telescope, a gadget that has the ability to record every detail that has happened in the universe. This telescope shows him the life of Noah before the Great Flood and witnesses that humans were already innovative when it comes to technology during the early days.

Strackbein writes, "Philip is a Christian who works for NASDA and is in charge of the Hobble Telescope. He makes some filters for the telescope that enable him to view the dark matter that exists in the universe. Then he discovers that the dark matter, which has the shape of ovals, have been video-recording everything that has ever happened in the universe. He learns how to access these recordings. The first thing he views is the creation of the world. After the creation of man, there was a population explosion that caused the whole Earth to be filled in a relatively short period of time. Just think what would happen if everyone, having the same intelligence that we have, lived to be eight hundred to nine hundred years old and there was no birth control! Who stops to think that Cain and Abel would have been over a hundred years old at the time that Cain killed Abel and that Eve would have had over fifty more children by that time and that the population of the world by that time could have been over ten thousand?

"A large portion of the novel presents the five hundred years of Noah's life before the Great Flood. The novel, without violating Scripture, shows that mankind before the flood was very advanced in technology. It proposes a very different explanation for the existence of UFOs than most people imagine. Human beings living on the Earth had succeeded in finding a way to overcome gravity and inertia, had traveled to outer space, and had established colonies on the moon and Mars! The novel contains a great deal of romance and has a surprise ending."

Published by Fulton Books, Philip Strackbein's book is a rich and beautifully written piece that is a worthwhile addition to anyone's bookshelf, most especially readers who are into science fiction and romance. This wonderful opus is also a good way to introduce theological history to readers who are still skeptical about God's existence.

Readers who wish to experience this mesmerizing work can purchase "The Dark Matter Recordings" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books