Personal Injury Lawyer Lancouver

A website has been created to help people that have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, by providing them with free information as to how to go about properly proceeding with an injury claim against the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia

A website has been created to help people that have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, by providing them with free information as to how to go about properly proceeding with an injury claim against the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ("ICBC").

The website,, is a very informative site for those with ICBC injury claims. Besides describing what kind of legal services are offered by the website owner, an ICBC injury lawyer, the website also details the following:

• Frequently asked questions of people injured in a motor vehicle accident, such as what kind of accident benefits they are entitled to, what the value of their claim is, and when they should settle;

• The various kinds of damages that can be claimed by an injured party, such as pain and suffering, economic loss, loss of opportunity, and cost of future care;

• The general path that ICBC injury claims can take, from ICBC adjuster level, through the litigation steps, and all the way up to trial;

• What an injured party can do themself to help the value of their claim, such as being aware of the importance of being active in the rehabilitation process

Most people injured in a motor vehicle accident do not know how to go about protecting their legal rights in many ways:

• They are not sure where to begin;
• They are not aware that they are hurting their injury claim by signing; documentation with ICBC before speaking with a lawyer
• They are not aware that an injury claim can still be made if they are the victim of a hit and run accident, or if they are hit by an uninsured motorist;
• They are not aware that an infant also has a legal right to make an injury claim;
• They are not aware that a failure to meet certain time limits can invalidate their injury claim;
• They are not aware of all the forms of damages that can be claimed;
• They are not aware that, without a lawyer, a serious conflict of interest exists when dealing with the ICBC adjuster, as the ICBC adjuster will be representing both the injured party and the at-fault driver when it comes to compensating the injured party for pain and suffering, as well as other forms of damages

As a result of all of this, it is quite often the case that injured people do not get fair compensation for their injuries, and justice is not served.

The hope of the website owner is that the information contained within the website can help level the playing field between an injured party and ICBC.

