Permanent Work From Home Will Create New, Billion-Dollar Market for MSOs

Landmark Report Details Opportunity for Cable Operators, Reveals Hidden Competitive Threat from 5G, and Provides Technology Prescription for Success

Empty Desks

​​​​​​Real-time technology innovators VelociData Inc. today released the landmark report, The Desktop Diaspora: Fixed Broadband After COVID-19, documenting the rapid growth of permanent Work from Home (WFH) and detailing its likely business impact on fixed broadband providers. The 19-page report details the gathering threat of 5G to the home service hegemony of cable and fiber network operators and prescribes the technology transformations needed by Multi-System Operators (MSOs) to win the home worker.  

“The global pandemic has given enterprises of all types a crash course in remaining productive while office workers are displaced to their homes, and it has highlighted the costs that companies can save by leaving them there,” said Chris Galvin, VelociData Chairman and former Motorola Chairman and CEO. “For fixed broadband providers, this once in a generation shift represents an enormous net-new market for services dedicated to home-based workers,” he added. “But to win in WFH, fixed operators must up their data analytics game – starting now - and this report shows them how,” Mr. Galvin concluded.

Written for executives and strategists in cable and fiber MSOs, the report shows that within two years, in the U.S. alone, there will be 25-30M or more new home-based workers in the 100M+ households now served by MSOs, and it offers a view of the new services and support that will be demanded by those users, which the report calls “prosumers.” The report goes on to reveal how the provider-to-person business model of mobile operators may give them a critical information advantage over the provider-to-household model now employed by fixed broadband operators. 

“The coming battle between fixed and mobile network operators for new WFH subscribers will not come down to technology – that’s a toss-up,” observed tech analyst and author, Robin Bloor, concluding, “The first mover advantage will go to the providers having the best understanding of the individual home-based worker, and mobile may have an edge there.”

To close that user insight gap, the report offers MSOs a prescription for three essential technology transformations:

1.      From Periodic Monitoring to Continuous Intelligence

2.      From Statistics and Heuristics to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

3.      From BSS/OSS Data Silos to the Real-time User Experience Cloud

The report concludes by outlining a simple strategy for leveraging the network data assets accumulated during the COVID-19 shutdown to gain insight into how user behaviors, support requests, and service requirements are being changed by WFH, and to reveal the needs that are unmet by current consumer offerings.

“MSOs are blessed with an untapped wealth of network information that will allow them to expand their knowledge perimeter from the household to its occupants, especially to the high-value residents working from home,” observed Barry Rudolph, VelociData CEO and co-author of the report, adding “In the past, the hard part has been doing it at scale, but now a bounty of new tools built for cloud-scale analytics is making that much easier, and this report makes the path to insight clearer for fixed broadband network operators.”

Read and download the report here.

About VelociData and the authors of the report:

VelociData, Inc. is an innovator in real-time streaming data collection and integration software for large communications networks. VelociData software is currently in use in some of the world’s largest MSOs.

Barry Rudolph is the CEO of VelociData. For three decades, he held senior executive roles at IBM, managing the Storage and Networking business lines. Following IBM, he served on the board of Dot Hill Systems through their acquisition by Seagate Systems and founded Corralitos Technologies. He is currently a strategic advisor to Solix Technologies and an independent director at Spectra Logic and FalconStor Systems.

Tim Negris is a VelociData advisor and veteran technology product and marketing strategist in Database, Networking, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence. He served as the first product manager for SQL Server, now a major Microsoft product, VP of Server Marketing at Oracle, VP of Software Sales and Marketing at IBM, Strategic Advisor to Dell, HP, and D&B, and as a senior executive in numerous technology startups and public companies. He is best known as the co-originator with Larry Ellison of the Thin Client concept, a key precursor to Cloud Computing.

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Source: VelociData Inc.

About VelociData Inc.

VelociData is an innovator in real-time streaming data collection and integration software for large communications networks. VelociData software is currently in use in some of the world's largest network operators.

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