"People's Paramedic" Shows Where To Find Free Medicine
Online, December 18, 2009 (Newswire.com) - Paramedic Says Erase National Debt by Getting Serious About Disease Prevention
Published on December 21, 2009
AUSTIN, TEXAS -A paramedic and medical educator who spent over two decades teaching classes for the American Heart Association and tending to thousands of heart attack victims says it is a proven fact that humble prayer, common kitchen spices, and a vigorous daily walk can in combination save more money and lives than any known drug or other medical intervention.
And to drive home the point James P. Hilton 48, originally of Jersey City, New Jersey is literally taking his message of "life style modification" and "drugless interventions" directly to the people by embarking on a year long promotional tour coast to coast.
When writing The People's Medicine: How To Be Your Own Doctor (www.hiltonbooks123.com) Hilton personally interviewed or corresponded with at least 200 cardiologists, epidemiologists, naturopathic physicians, and professors. He also quotes Victor Hugo, "There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world. And that is an idea whose time has come." According to Mr. Hilton the time is now ripe for Americans to get serious about taking better care of themselves. "With 47 million of us left uninsured and essentially adrift, it has become obvious that we're on our own. Let us begin with a prayer and a simple walk, two zero cost activities proven beyond all rational dispute to prevent and sometimes even cure more disease than any drug."
Motivating people to embrace self-help strategies, like daily walking, is now his life's calling he said, and is "the single most powerful thing any doctor, nurse, or EMT can do to save maximum lives. And what's more," he added, "it's effectiveness is well documented in the medical literature itself."
With the evangelical zeal of a preacher Hilton, a one time whistle blower whose criticisms as a medical educator landed him on the front page of The Miami Herald, now calls himself "The People's Paramedic." Also a karate instructor and Eagle Scout Mr. Hilton further claims that preventing sickness "just happens to be one of the most patriotic things any citizen can do too" because, he adds, "our collapsing medical system is literally drowning our nation economically."
Mr. Hilton's wife Salome, who is a formally trained chef, has also written a companion text, The People's Cookbook: Healthy Mediterranean Recipes on a Budget. Together the pair with their two children tour in the family RV handing out reading material and giving talks.
"It's a no brainer. Humble walking is the undisputed heavy weight champion in terms of preventing and oftentimes even in reversing some very serious diseases. Excluding trauma, regular exercise is theconclusively proven antidote for all the top killers in our society including obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, many cancers, type two diabetes, and even depression. And to the great disgust of those profiting off the pill for every ill mind set, biologically there is no way around it. We were made to move," he said.
But as incredible as it may sound walking is just one of the free, time honored folk medicines explored inThe People's Medicine. There are many other proven, low-tech things like acupressure and self-hypnosis for example that doctors use because they work, but that almost anybody can do on their own. Empowering people with these skills may not make drug companies rich, but will definitely help millions to help themselves. Embracing these same ideas will also help tremendously to reel America back in from the brink of bankruptcy.
"And that's what The People's Medicine is all about," he said.
The People's Medicine
187 pages (CD version)
First edition available exclusively through the publisher until December 30th 2009
$24.95 (p&h included)
The People's Cookbook
148 pages spiral bound
$24.95 (p&h included)
To order The People's Medicine or for biographical information about author James P. Hilton contact jimhilton911@hotmail.com or visit www.hiltonbooks123.com.
S. Mary Butler
Hilton Books