Peak Concepts Returns From Successful Leadership Conference

Several Peak Concepts associates recently returned from a quarterly leadership conference. There they took advantage of numerous networking and training opportunities, stated Ryan, the firm's Director of Operations.

​This conference was a meeting of sales and marketing professionals from around the country. It provided an opportunity for the Peak Concepts team members to meet and interact with experts in business, leadership, and advertising. Ryan stated that this was an immensely valuable learning opportunity for his associates.

“The event included workshops and talks hosted by some of the most prominent individuals in our industry,” he indicated. “These conferences are great because they provide us with access to the latest and greatest ideas and strategies every quarter. The networking was also amazing. My team members had a chance to share their own ideas while meeting many colleagues.”

"The event included workshops and talks hosted by some of the most prominent individuals in our industry,"

Ryan, Director of Operations

Ryan added that these events bring new energy to the Peak Concepts office. Whenever the firm’s team members return from a conference, they share everything they learned with the rest of the company. He stated that this gets everyone excited to try new ideas. It also gives them some great content to share with the brands they represent.

Peak Concepts’ Director Revealed Networking Secrets

The Peak Concepts team was quick to take advantage of the networking opportunities at this recent conference. According to Ryan, they even began networking before leaving for the event.

“I have always found it is easiest to get the most from conferences by reaching out to potential contacts beforehand,” he said. “Many people are happy to connect and can make meeting key attendees easier. This immediately makes us more visible to others at the conference.”

He added that it is essential to establish value quickly. According to Ryan, people are most interested in networking with individuals who can offer them significant benefit. “I encourage my team members to share ideas and to not be too humble. It is a matter of talking about accomplishments while being authentic.”

Ryan also asserted that it is generally better to focus on quality of relationships rather than quantity. However, he added that it is still valuable to try to meet a lot of new people, especially in a conference setting. The trick is to strike a balance between having interesting and numerous interactions, he explained.

“Networking is simply the first stage of future business relationships,” Ryan concluded. “These new connections should be built on value and mutual respect. They don’t need to be scary because they are just like any other relationship. Networking can also provide a great return on investment, so my best advice is to simply get out there and meet people.”

About Peak Concepts

Peak Concepts is a full-service marketing and consulting firm. Its expert team specializes in innovative campaigns. They rely on the latest outreach methods to enhance their efforts. These solutions quickly guide brands to new markets. Through their work, Peak Concepts’ team members create lasting bonds between businesses and buyers. This leads to greater awareness and loyalty, as well as increased referrals. Their impact is clear in bottom-line returns. What’s more, the company has a track record of success and a reputation for flexibility. As a result, the group maintains a diverse list of organizations served. To find out more, visit today.