PBXDom the Next Generation of Call Analytics

Analytics company brings the digital mindset to phone system activity
PBXDom Dashboard

Phone system analytics company PBXDom, in their latest update, supports more than 160 voice platforms and contains legacy PBXs and modern UC systems.

PBXDom tracks phone system activity for businesses, allowing managers access to multiple dashboards, reports, and real-time tracking of phone system data. Since PBXDom first came online, the cloud-based company has logged more than 1.8 billion calls.

You know how they say information is power? You first need to be able to capture and then analyze it, and that is essentially what we do. Our services give companies an insight into one of their biggest and often overlooked, measures of success, the company phone system. PBXDOM provides a platform that lets you look inside your phone system and farm the wealth of valuable information inside.

Reza Mousavi, CEO/Founder

“We’re essentially taking the analog process of phone calls and upcycling the data from them to be compatible with a digital economy,” says PBXDom Founder and CEO Reza Mousavi. “Our clients can go back and analyze the past five years of their phone calls. That’s a mountain of data, broken down into bite-sized reports that can help managers identify where there are problems in the phone system and how to fix them.”

In addition to providing businesses with the ability to analyze their phone systems, PBXDom also alerts them when they are missing customers and generates reports on how companies can improve their phone responsiveness. The company’s new status as supporting more than 160 voice platforms means that businesses that use major unified communications system will now be able to use PBXDom within their existing infrastructure.

“You know how they say information is power? You first need to be able to capture and then analyze it, and that is essentially what we do. Our services give companies an insight into one of their biggest and often overlooked, measures of success, the company phone system. PBXDOM provides a platform that lets you look inside your communications system and farm the wealth of valuable information inside,” says Mousavi.

About PBXDom:

PBXDom helps companies better understand their phone system activity. With more than 1.8 billion calls logged, PBXDom knows what it takes to analyze, store and optimize company phone system. Clients can use PBXDom to track incoming and outgoing calls, monitor performance, receive smart alerts when customers are in danger of slipping through the system and improve company responsiveness. The cloud-based service provides companies with unlimited data for up to five years of phone calls, with real-time dashboards to provide an up-to-date analysis of those calls from anywhere on the planet. For more information, go to www.pbxdom.com

Media Contact:
Reza Mousavi
Phone: 800.401.6635
Email: press@pbxdom.com

Source: PBXDom

About PBXDom LLC

Call analytics and reporting tools for businesses

340 S Lemon Ave , #1167
Walnut, California
