Patino Law Firm to Hold a Veterans' Appreciation Christmas Distribution

MCALLEN, Texas, December 4, 2020 ( - "America without her soldiers would be like god without his angels."— Claudia Pemberton. ​We live in unprecedented times where many in our community are finding it difficult to make ends meet. This is especially true for veterans in our community who are struggling to provide for themselves and their families during this holiday season.
It is important during this time that we not forget the many sacrifices our veterans and their families have made for us all.
America without her soldiers would be like god without his angels.
Claudia Pemberton
Patino Law Firm, a veteran-owned personal injury law office located in McAllen and San Antonio, will distribute food, toys, and gift cards to veterans on Dec. 14 beginning at 10 a.m. at 1802 N. 10th Street in McAllen. Veterans must present a valid V.A. identification card to confirm their veteran status.
For more information, please call Louis Patino at (956) 631-3535, or watch this video.
Source: Patino Law Firm