Patent Assistance Worldwide Brings Clarity to Confusing Patent System

Microsoft's recent patent-buying and selling frenzy has drawn criticism from many patent experts-but representatives of Patent Assistance Worldwide say the software giant has illustrated what makes patent assistance services so vital.

The patent system in America can seem complex and often confusing, even to those who work within it. A recent article from PC Magazine makes this point cleat. The article highlights the recent actions of Microsoft; as recently as last month, the software giant embarked on a frenzy of patent activity, first buying $1 billion worth of intellectual property from the flagging AOL, then selling many of those patents to Facebook, earning back $550 million for 650 patents. PC Magazine's writer responded to the news with frustration, saying "Anyone who doesn't think the patent process is broken and needs discarding should try and explain Monday's disruptive patent news." The article ultimately caught the attention of Patent Assistance Worldwide, a company well known for its patent expertise. Patent Assistance Worldwide representative Mark Fallows has responded to the article in a statement to the press.

"What this article makes inarguably clear is the fact that patent law is deeply confusing, even to those who know it the best," says Fallows. "The writer of this piece is someone who knows patent law forward and backward, inside and out. His job is to write about patents and how they pertain to the technology industry. And yet, even he is dumbfounded by this news."

Ultimately, Fallows says, it is not the PC Magazine patent expert who deserves sympathy. "The people who really suffer because of these confusing and often misleading laws are novice inventors," Fallows continues. "They need patents to protect their ideas and ultimately make money off them, but this is tough when the laws are so vexing."

This, Fallows explains, is why inventors ultimately need the help of patent attorneys, but here there is another problem. "Simply put, patent attorneys tend to be very expensive," notes Fallows. "You can afford their services if you are Microsoft, but probably not if you are a first-time inventor."

The solution, for many inventors, is a company like Patent Assistance Worldwide. Fallows is quick to point out that the company is not a legal firm, but rather a clearinghouse of legal services. "We have a network of some truly fine patent attorneys, and we can provide inventors with access to their services," he says. "In doing so, we can ultimately save these inventors a great deal of money."

And legal assistance is not the only service Fallows' company offers. "Patent Assistance Worldwide also offers marketing services, patent researchers, artists, and more," he explains. "Our clearinghouse of services includes everything an inventor could ever need to protect his or her intellectual property, to market it, and ultimately to make money from it. That's what our company is all about."


Patent Assistance Worldwide is a clearinghouse of services geared toward inventors seeking to protect or market their intellectual property. The company places clients in touch with professional illustrators, patent researchers, and patent attorneys, and typically offers inventors more affordable rates than traditional legal firms can offer. More information about Patent Assistance Worldwide can be found at