Pastor Geronimo Aguilar Advocates Church Planting to Improve Communities

Planters are often considered naïve when tackling the religious needs in communities. Pastor Geronimo Aguilar is one such church planter and while he can attest to the level of work it involves, he encourages the act wholeheartedly.

All across the country, well-established church congregations enjoy continual enlightenment and direction from their church pastor. However, when it comes to outreach efforts, established churches can only accomplish so much. A recent article from The Christian Post notes that expanding the Christian faith is major reason why many younger pastors decide to take on the ambitious challenge to plant churches in new areas. Pastor Geronimo Aguilar is among these leaders and has helped established hundreds of ministries through his work as Senior Pastor at The Richmond Outreach Center (ROC).

Established churches have rich traditional histories, some that even go back hundreds of years. Local members can rely on continuing messages of faith from their pastors and stay involved in their religious community. While all of these activities are beneficial to the Christian faith, many religious figures are concerned about the people who are unaware that Jesus Christ wants to save them from their despair. Many who are homeless, troubled, un-churched or have been harmed by churches in the past are highly unlikely to enter an established church to build their faith. That's where church planters come in.

Church planters walk a dangerous line of failure if not enough people become active with their new church. Many would not first associate entrepreneurship with that of religion, but these skills are necessary for church planters to reach out and find new members in unsought areas. Ryan Jones, Director of the Liberty Church Planting Network (LCPN), comments on the evangelistic benefits church planters offer, "There's nothing that reaches more people than new churches, because new churches have to reach people to survive."

To successfully go about church planting, pastors must demonstrate some of the most prized Christian values, such as courage and integrity. Active groups like The ROC and LCPN find that once a new religious community is established, the reward is worth all the stress and patience required of church planting.

Pastor Geronimo Aguilar displayed such Christian qualities many times over as his church in Richmond, Virginia established over 150 ministries specifically targeted to reach many different types of people. Aguilar and his pastors have led outreach ministries aimed toward gang members, prostitutes, prisoners and troubled youth and provided them with a new hope that they otherwise would not have.

Aguilar's initiatives have not only spread across America, but have assisted in establishing overseas ministries in places such as Ghana and Costa Rica. Outreach is one of the cornerstones of his organization and the act itself is one of the many reasons Pastor Geronimo Aguilar started this mission in the first place. "If it weren't for a person directly reaching out to me personally, I would never have known Jesus loved me and had a plan and purpose for my life."


Pastor Geronimo Aguilar is a respected religious figure among his congregation at The Richmond Outreach Center and many other Christian churches across the nation. Pastor Geronimo Aguilar is a proven church planter who established his overwhelmingly successful church in 2001. His programs at The ROC have helped thousands of people reclaim their faith and stray from misleading and dangerous lifestyles. His decision to base his church in Richmond, Virginia was met after leading a series of nationwide travels that encouraged urban communities to discover the power of Christ.