Passport Technology Inc. Nominated for Prestigious Gambling Compliance Global Regulatory Award 2018

London, United Kingdom, February 21, 2018 ( - Passport Technology Inc. is pleased to announce CashValet® and POSpod™, the world’s most advanced quasi-cash payment platform purpose-built for the highly regulated gaming industry has been nominated and short listed for Compliance Payment Service or Solution Provider of the Year.
Passport Technology's innovative solutions currently benefit dozens of casinos across the UK and Europe. The multi-jurisdictional payment platform solution—delivers the highest levels of security, compliance, privacy and AML—demonstrating a commitment to providing purposeful, socially responsible functionality never before available in the casino payments industry.
CashValet®’s delivers rich and dynamic feature functionality providing operators tools to better manage Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements, responsible gambling initiatives, a robust security layer and the industry’s smartest payment infrastructure. Passport Technology Inc. is committed to patron and card data security and does not transfer or share patron data outside of the UK or EU regions in accordance with privacy regulations.
“Together with our partners—and in consultation with many constituents—we developed a solution delivering immediate operational, financial and social impacts to the operators and communities we serve,” states Kurt Sullivan, President & Chief Operating Officer. “We are delighted in being recognized by Gambling Compliance as we share the same passion in striving for excellence in the field of regulatory compliance and responsible gambling"
CashValet® and the powerful POSpod™ attended kiosk provide operators a low-maintenance, feature-rich solution running Sagepay P2PE (Point-to-Point Encryption) PCI DSS Level 1 certified proprietary software on Verifone vx820 terminals. They feature enhanced transaction security outputs, problem gaming assistance options, charitable donation options, Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), approval tickets on demand, email confirmations, signature capture, Near Field Communication (NFC) capabilities, bar code scanning, identification scanning, camera and optional interface to loyalty or reward programs.
About Passport Technology Inc.
Passport Technology Inc. is a leading developer of technology-based products and services for worldwide payments, gaming and financial services markets. The company's international portfolio includes attended payment kiosks, cash access systems, server and web-based analytic technology, and interactive content and services.
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Helen Bowditch
Passport Technology Inc.
Source: Passport Technology Inc