Parker & Sons Offers Expert Water Treatment Service

Water is absolutely essential. It is required for life. The human body is approximately 60 percent water. If an individual is deprived of water for even a day or two, they will face catastrophic health consequences. Luckily for homeowners, water is readily available. All they need do is turn on a tap. Unfortunately, sometimes the water that comes out of that tap can be rather unpleasant.

Parker & Sons offers a solution, the unparalleled excellence of their water treatment service.

Phoenix is notorious for having extremely hard water. Hard water occurs when mineral deposits gather, and build up in ground water. While hard water does not have any negative health effects, it can wreak havoc inside a home. Hard water will cause unsightly calcium buildups, degrade the condition of pipe, ruining energy efficiency, as well as spot and tarnish dishes. Parke & Sons technicians are experienced in dealing with hard water issues. The most eloquent solution for hard water, is the installation of a water softener.

Water softeners will provide homeowners with the cleanest, most pure water available. There are many types of water softeners, but the goal of each unit is the removal of mineral deposits from the water. Some function using an ionizing process, while others rely on materials such as lime to achieve water softening. A properly installed, and well maintained water soften has been proven to reduce calcium buildup, as well as lower energy and utility bills. Parker & Sons can have you installing a water softener today. The savings will start immediately.

Reverse osmosis systems are water purification systems which will immediately improve an individual’s quality of life. No one enjoys drinking hard, strange tasting water directly from the tap. Bottled water is expensive, and has a negative impact on the environment. The best solution is the installation of a reverse osmosis system.

Homeowners with reverse osmosis systems will have delicious, pure, clean water right at their fingertips. The Parker & Sons water treatment system combines reverse osmosis systems with water softeners to deliver homeowners the finest water possible. Dishes will be cleaner, bathrooms won’t be subject to unsightly calcium buildups, bills will shrink, and water will taste more delicious. An investment into a high-quality water treatment system, is an investment in quality of life.

About Parker & Sons

Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

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Josh Kelly

About Parker & Sons

Keeping You Comfortable With Expert Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Service Since 1974. Parker & Sons has been serving homeowners and businesses in Arizona for over 40 years and is recognized nationally.

Parker & Sons
3636 East Anne Street , #Ste A
Phoenix, AZ


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