Parker & Sons Mentions Common Reasons Your HVAC Unit Might Not Be Working
Phoenix, AZ, January 3, 2017 ( - To prepare for the New Year, Parker & Sons, one of Arizona’s most esteemed HVAC, plumbing, and electrical service providers is looking to educate the citizens of Phoenix on why their HVAC unit might be breaking down or not working as well as they had hoped.
When speaking with a Parker & Sons representative, Josh Kelly, he was prompt to mention that these issues can affect people with both new and older HVAC units, which is why teaching about the reasons that HVAC units breakdown is so important. In effect, Kelly said that some issues were more prevalent than others and that homeowners should be aware of the following three.
Another common issue that homeowners face is that their neglect to schedule routine maintenance and servicing appointments on an annual basis, and wait until a small issue becomes much larger and imminent than necessary. Not only will neglecting to schedule maintenance appointments prolong the life span of your HVAC unit, but they will also help the unit function consistently throughout the year. If you don't have your unit serviced, you might be experiencing more issues more frequently.
Josh Kelly
“We’ve seen some customers panic that their HVAC unit isn’t working, when in all reality, its working just fine,” said Kelly “It’s actually their thermostat that’s broken, not the unit. What most people don’t know is that a thermostat that’s either broken or not working properly will actually make it seem like your HVAC unit is working improperly. If this is the case, professionals working in the industry, such as those at Parker & Sons, can help you solve the problem and avoid a larger catastrophe."
Kelly went on, "Another common issue that homeowners face is that their neglect to schedule routine maintenance and servicing appointments on an annual basis, and wait until a small issue becomes much larger and imminent than necessary. Not only will neglecting to schedule maintenance appointments prolong the life span of your HVAC unit, but they will also help the unit function consistently throughout the year. If you don't have your unit serviced, you might be experiencing more issues more frequently."
“Sensors can also cause perceived HVAC unit issues,” said Kelly. When asked to elaborate, he said, “because sensors are in place to keep the desired temperature at that temperature, a broken sensor doesn’t mean that your entire unit is having issues, it just means that the unit is receiving the wrong information from the sensor.”
Parker & Sons strives to provide Phoenix residents with top quality services and products. In that sense, the company feels obligated to inform the public about these common issues that can quickly avoided and easily fixed upon requesting an appointment.
Source: Parker and Sons