Palm Partners Offers Aftercare Programs for Recovering Addicts and Their Families

Palm Partners, a Florida-based drug and alcohol addiction treatment center, provides aftercare programs focused on long-term recovery for drug and alcohol addicts and their families.

Palm Partners Recovery Center, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment center in Florida, offers a wide range of drug and alcohol treatment programs including aftercare for recovering addicts and their families. Aftercare services, such as family coaching and therapy are critical for an addict’s long-term recovery.

A strong support group is paramount during early recovery. Palm Partners aftercare allows graduating clients to be involved in a program where they access ongoing support for as long as is needed. This program is designed to protect sobriety and promote long lasting recovery. Through the aftercare support program, clients learn to identify their individual and specific relapse signs and symptoms as well as develop effective methods of management.

"Addiction doesn't just affect the person who is addicted. It affects all those that are close to that person and the toll emotionally, physically, and financially can be significant."

Doug McGuirk, Vice President of training and development at Palm Partners Recovery Center

Palm Partners’ aftercare support helps clients learn how to manage stress and problem-solve situations in their personal life, such as dealing with employment or other life stressors. Aftercare groups utilize group therapy, coaching, education, peer interaction and homework assignments that are designed to enable the client to clearly identify and overcome potential obstacles to developing a recovery lifestyle. Clients are also encouraged to meet frequently with other program aftercare and alumni peers to interact in healthy activities that further promote their recovery.

In addition, Palm Partners helps family members to understand the treatment process, what triggers drug and alcohol use, and strategies to be supportive. Counseling offers time for family members to address their own issues, frustrations and concerns they experienced as a result of the addiction. Family members benefit from the support of groups designed specifically for the families’ addicts.

“Addiction doesn’t just affect the person who is addicted. It affects all those that are close to that person and the toll emotionally, physically, and financially can be significant,” says Doug McGuirk, Vice President of training and development at Palm Partners Recovery Center. “All too often loved ones are overwhelmed feeling confused, angry, fearful and unsure as to what to do or how to handle their particular situation. Palm Partners family programs help significant others and family members process their own feelings about the addiction and rebuild relationships with the recovering addict.”

Palm Partners also offers coaching programs for both the recovering addict and their family. Coaching programs are focused on the future and are committed to producing results. Palm Partners’ coaches help the recovering addict to see the present, clarify the future, and take action towards their goals. Coaching is focused on taking an individual, family, or partnership from where they are now and moving them forward by designing a compelling future leading to true happiness and fulfillment.

Coaching helps recovering addicts develop a life vision, identify roadblocks by assessing patterns and belief systems, determine new resources, and develop a plan to make changes personally and professionally. The family coaching program is specifically geared for family members and significant others post treatment. The aim of the program is to assist family members in solidifying the gains that were made while their loved one was in treatment as well as to move forward in reaching personal life goals.

Palm Partners integrated drug and alcohol addiction programs take a holistic approach that is backed by science and focuses on helping to heal the mind, body and spirit. Palm Partners helps patients along the continuum of care from drug and alcohol detox to residential addiction treatment, partial hospitalization drug rehab, and intensive outpatient drug rehabilitation, while providing on-site addiction treatment for dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorders.

All services are provided in an environment that promotes healing and wellness where clients receive the most optimal addiction treatment experience available. For more information about Palm Partners and their addiction recover services, visit or call 1-877-711-4673.

About Palm Partners Recovery Center

Palm Partners Recovery Center, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment center in Delray Beach, Florida, was founded in 1994 by two recovering alcoholics and drug addicts who saw the need for specialized treatment services to ensure long term recovery. The center is structured as a 12-Step model integrated program working in collaboration with a variety of holistic, innovative and state of the art treatment strategies. Palm Partners founded on the belief that when people do the right things for the right reasons, they can recover from alcohol and other forms of chemical dependency and can become successful in life. For more information about Palm Partners and their services, visit

For Media Inquiries Please Contact

Doug McGuirk
Delray Beach Florida, FL 33444