Pallas Athena Wins New ReflectOne Client - Sixt AG

Sixt AG incorporates ReflectOne, a Process Mining Audit Software Solution

Sixt AG, a global supplier of high-quality mobility solutions and the largest German car rental provider, headquartered in Pullach, Germany, will incorporate Pallas Athena's Process Mining technique, ReflectOne, in their business process analysis. Sixt AG will especially use the Process Mining technique within their Internal Auditing Group. ReflectOne will be used for gaining effectiveness and efficiency by which processes are discovered and potential areas of risk are identified. ProcessGold AG, an innovative consulting firm for automated and system based process software solutions, will carry out the implementation of ReflectOne at Sixt AG.

The value of Pallas Athena's Process Mining technique already became visible during the initial trial period. ReflectOne was tested within the lease return area and claims management, both areas showed extreme successful results on the easiness of use and the importance of data analysis. During the trial period, ProcessGold, had pulled all the events for the past 12 months and was able to pinpoint all the exceptions. Up until then processes were discovered the traditional way though workshops and interviews, which were time consuming to verify that the designed processes also were executed correspondingly.

"Before incorporating the Process Mining technique, we spend a lot of time just trying to capture and unterstand processes and their details," explains Thomas Spaniol, Head of Internal Auditing, Sixt AG. "With ReflectOne we now have the possibility to get an exact picture of the real process in a very fast and efficient way. It helps us to identify process exceptions, unusual transactions and areas of risk."

"We are very pleased to see Sixt AG's commitment to move towards data mining based process discovery. The decision by Sixt AG proves our value proposition for Internal Auditors Audit Client, "says Tobias Rother, Executive Vice President Global

"Together with Pallas Athena, we are proud to deliver such a great value to Sixt," says Rudolf Kuhn, CEO ProcessGold. "It shows that our consulting approach provides a successful qualitative signature. It really allows the Internal Auditor to quickly address the responsible process manager in an understandable language."

Notes from the Editor:
Pallas Athena's ReflectOne Software Solution performs the Process Mining analysis easily and thus creates detailed insight and transparency of all processes. Process Mining provides data analysis on 100% data and not just sample data, and clearly visualizes all steps within a process, as well as any exceptions. ReflectOne complements the current typically used Internal Audit approaches, such as Caseware IDEA or ACL.