Oxendine and Barnes Top Picks For Governor

Obama's Job Approval Continues To Plummet, Large Majority Do Not Believe Racism Behind Opposition To President

Strategic Vision, LLC, a public relations and public affairs agency, announced the results of a three-day poll of 800 likely Georgia voters. The poll has a margin of error of ±3 percentage points. In the poll, 368 (46%) Republican voters were surveyed; with 328 (41%) Democratic voters surveyed; and 104 (13%) Independents and other party affiliation polled.

When asked if they approved or disapproved of Governor Sonny Perdue's job performance, 48% approved; 40% disapproved; and 12% were undecided. Forty-seven percent of respondents approved of Senator Saxby Chambliss' job performance; 39% disapproved; and 14% were undecided. Senator Johnny Isakson had 53% approving of his job performance; 38% disapproving; and 9% undecided.

"The approval numbers for all of Georgia's elected officials declined slightly over the past month," said David E. Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, LLC. "The greatest loss in support that was registered among self-described conservatives. This could potentially pose a problem for Senator Isakson if a conservative challenger were to emerge in the Republican primary as we have seen in other states."

The results of the poll showed that 35% of those polled approved of President Barack Obama's overall job performance; with 58% disapproving; and 7% undecided. When asked if they approved of the President's handling of the economy, 34% approved; 58% disapproved; and 8% were undecided. When asked if they approved or disapproved of how President Obama is handling health care, 33% approved; 58% disapproved; and 9% were undecided. On the issue of Iraq, the poll found 45% approved of the President's handling of the war; with 48% disapproving; and 7% undecided. On the issue of Afghanistan, the poll found 39% approved of the President's handling of the war; with 53% disapproving; and 8% undecided. When asked if they approved of the President's overall foreign policy, 38% approved; 54% disapproved; and 8% were undecided.

"The President's current poll numbers rival those of President Bush after his popularity took downward spiral following Hurricane Katrina and the Harriet Miers nomination," said Johnson. The two albatrosses that are hurting the President in Georgia besides the Republican tilt of the state are the economy and health care. Disapproval of his handling of health care crosses Party lines and large numbers of Independents are opposed to him on this. He is basically down to the Democratic base."

When asked if they thought Georgia was headed in the right direction or wrong direction, 46% said right; 46% said wrong; and 8% were undecided.

"The numbers that we are seeing for Georgia being headed in the right direction are what we usually see associated with a state like Michigan, Ohio or Pennsylvania," said Johnson. "The economy is driving these numbers."

When asked if voters approved or disapproved of the way Congress is handling its job, 13% approved; 73% disapproved; and 14% were undecided.

"Approval for Congress is at the lowest point that we have polled in over two years," said Johnson. "A large majority of Independents disapprove of Congress and this could potentially affect a race like Jim Marshall's or John Barrow's."

When asked if they agreed with recent remarks of former President Jimmy Carter that opposition to President Obama is based upon racism, 23% agreed; 69% disagreed; and 8% were undecided.

"Respondents largely broke on racial lines on this question and white self-described progressives supported Carter's statements," said Johnson.

When asked if they support or oppose, Congress passing health care reform before the end of the year, 35% supported; 55% opposed; and 10% were undecided.

When asked if they believe that all Americans should be required to have health insurance, 34% said yes; 56% said no; and 10% were undecided.

"While Republican opposition is strong to passage of health care reform and requiring all Americans to have health insurance, a surprising number of Independents also are opposed and this number grew over the past month," said Johnson.

When Republicans were asked their choice for Governor in 2010, the results were Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine 38%; Secretary of State Karen Handel 15%; Congressman Nathan Deal 10%; State Senator Eric Johnson 6%; State Representative Austin Scott 3%; businessman Ray McBerry; 2%; State Senator Jeff Chapman 1%; and 25% undecided.

"Oxendine continues to lead in this race hovers right near the 40% mark as he has in every poll we have conducted in recent months with more support then his two nearest competitors combined," said Johnson. "He is drawing strong support among college educated voters ages 35 to 55. Also he is cutting into some of Deal's base in North Georgia and is polling very strong in the Atlanta suburbs outside of North Fulton County. Finally he draws impressive support among likely primary voters who identify themselves as Christian conservatives."

"Secretary Handel increased her support to move into a solid second place," said Johnson. "In making her gains she continues to solidify her support among female voters. In many wasy, she has demonstrated a strong comeback from several months ago when Congressman Deal first entered the race. Her current numbers are the highest we have registered for her in any of our polls. Her challenge is to expand her base support of support from beyond Fulton County and female voters."

"Congressman Deal remains in the top tier but has taken a beating over the past month falling into third place," said Johnson. "Part of this decline of support can be attributed to the negative news stories and also concerns about his age. However this decline can be overcome and is happening early enough in the campaign that he can regain his footing, barring other negative attacks."

"Senator Johnson is the only other candidate of note in this current poll," said Johnson. "While he continues to poll at 6%, his fundraising totals when utilized in a media blitz could propel himself into the top tier. He is also the second choice of many of Handel's supporters."

When Democrats were asked their choice for Governor the results were former Governor Roy Barnes 45%; State Attorney General Thurbert Baker 30%; Former State Labor Commissioner, Ex-State Adjutant General Poythress 5%; House Minority Leader Dubose Porter 2%; and 18% undecided.

"The Democratic race remains mainly unchanged in regards to poll position and numbers," said Johnson. "It continues to be Roy Barnes against the field."

Strategic Vision, LLC is an Atlanta-headquartered public relations and public affairs agency. Results are based on telephone interviews with 800 likely voters in Georgia, aged 18+, and conducted September 18-20, 2009 by telephone. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points. Additional information on Strategic Vision, LLC may be obtained at www.strategicvision.biz