Outset Events, Inc. Travels to Build Team, Promotes Manager

Outset Events, Inc. leaders prioritize team building with events and travel opportunities. Michael, the firm's Director, also discussed Thompson's recent promotion and a hiring initiative.

Creating a corporate atmosphere in which team members feel supported, empowered, and inspired is a top priority at Outset Events, Inc. Michael is certain that it’s only through teamwork that the firm’s associates can do their best work, which makes team building a vital activity.

“One of the most effective means of building a strong group is by sponsoring team nights,” Michael stated. “These give everyone chances to step outside the confines of their professional roles and just relax together as individuals. Recently, the whole Outset Events, Inc. crew headed to Orange County to hang with other top area marketers at the beach. We also had a team breakfast, where we celebrated Jackie’s birthday.”

"Due to our thorough training system and focus on continual learning, we're a great career option for recent graduates. Interested parties should visit our website to find out more about us."

Michael, Director

Along with fun local activities, Michael looks for travel opportunities to help strengthen team bonds. Road trips are great ways to bring his people closer together, and he considers any expenses associated with business travel as investments in both the company and his colleagues. In addition to the recent trip to Orange County, members of Outset Events, Inc. have also traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Chicago, Illinois. “Travel broadens our horizons literally and figuratively, and benefits everyone involved,” the Director explained.

Outset Events, Inc. Welcomes New Manager, Announces Entry-Level Openings

There are many ways to motivate personnel, but one of the most effective at Outset Events, Inc. is advancement. Promotions are awarded on the basis of results, not seniority or politics, which makes Thompson’s recent move into management even more impressive. “Once we saw what she could do, Thompson was quickly promoted to campaign manager!” Michael beamed. “She’s been super-excited from day one for the opportunities our company has to offer. Thompson has a one-year-old child, and is determined to start a career to help support her. She receives and applies feedback very well, and we admire her commitment to achieving success.”

As team members move up in the organization, it creates entry-level openings at Outset Events, Inc. While experience and education are factors, Michael is more interested in soft skills and personality traits that will add to the culture of the firm. “Due to our thorough training system and focus on continual learning, we’re a great career option for recent graduates. Interested parties should visit our website to find out more about us.”

About Outset Events, Inc.

Outset Events, Inc. specializes in innovative sales events. Their product launches ensure long-term market growth that is easy to measure. Through detailed research and analysis, Outset Events, Inc.’s team members design and deploy campaigns that grab the public’s attention. Their dynamic outreach solutions keep people coming back for more, paving the way for rapid growth. The firm’s winning approach has ensured that they are poised to continue on this upward course far into the future. To learn more about their services, visit outseteventsinc.com today.

Source: Outset Events, Inc.