Outdoor Gear Company Adamant Debuts DoubleWall Alloy A1 Racing Bike

United States, October 20, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The company announced today that it has launched its DoubleWall Alloy A1 Racing Bike, Adamant’s latest venture into the outdoor gear market. A company spokesperson said the A1 is made with racers and average riders in mind.
“We’ve always been dedicated to providing quality, durable outdoor equipment and our A1 alloy bike is no different,” the spokesperson said. “The A1 offers a responsive alloy frame and quality components that make it the perfect bike for people who want to take to the road for some adventure.”
"The Kenda tires, the Shimano shifters and drivetrain, the Zoom handlebars; they're just three reasons why we're so proud of this bike."
The key behind the A1 is its alloy frame – durability, strength and value are the three main advantages of the A1’s alloy.
Designers have managed to fashion the frame in a way that offers the rider a solid ride without sacrificing the bike’s sleek, stylish look.
“The A1 is the perfect representation of what we’re all about,” the spokesperson said. “It’s stylish without being flashy and it’s sturdy without being boring.”
In that vein, the spokesperson said, Adamant has chosen a trio of recognizable brands for the bikes most important components.
A pair of Kenda tires propels the A1 down the road. According to a 2012 review from Road Bike Action, Kenda tires rated well for their durability, value and versatility: “It’s a good choice for a longlasting tire that can be raced on the weekend and trained on all week, too.”
The bike’s Shimano A050 thumb shifters consistently score well among riders, ranking in the top 100 among Amazon’s shifters. A1 riders will appreciate the A050’s smooth, quick shifting and the way they free up space on the handlebars. The A050 drivetrain is a solid Shimano product, providing riders tremendous quality.
“When we say our A1 is a sturdy bike, we mean it,” the spokesperson said. “The Kenda tires, the Shimano shifters and drivetrain, the Zoom handlebars; they’re just three reasons why we’re so proud of this bike.”
Zoom handlebars complete the trifecta of the bike’s best components, the spokesperson said. The Zoom is manufactured by H.L. Company, a longtime bike manufacturer whose reputation for building quality parts continues to grow. The handlebars have won excellent reviews for their durable alloy construction.
Adamant’s A1 also features mechanical disk brakes, doublewall 700C alloy rims and a Zoom seat post.
While the bike is built for racing, it can excel across a variety of surfaces and situations.
“Not every day is race day,” the spokesperson said, “That’s why we decided to create the A1 in such a way that you can take it on paved roads and gravel trails and still get the same great performance.”
The bike launch comes during a busy month for Adamant, who recently released a new line of brightcolored waterproof backpacks called “XCore.”
Like the XCore backpacks, the DoubleWall Alloy A1 Racing Bike is available for purchase on the Adamant website, www.adamantgear.com.
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