OSI Announces Its Effective Appeal Service for Denied Medical Claims

OSI's efficient appeal solutions for delayed, unpaid or wrongly denied claims helps providers reclaim due revenue

Outsource Strategies International (OSI) has announced its comprehensive appeal service for healthcare providers faced with claim denials and lost revenue. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the company has established a reputation as a reliable provider of medical billing and coding services.

An OSI spokesperson drew attention to the fact that the denial of medical claims is becoming an increasing challenge for healthcare providers. It is crucial that providers submit accurate claims; in case an error is detected they should immediately appeal to prevent revenue loss.

Merely submitting medical claims to the payer does not guarantee payment to the provider. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately 20 percent of claims are denied by payers on an initial claim submission by a provider. However, only about 35 percent of practices appeal denied claims. Denied claims remain unpaid when providers do not appeal in a timely manner.

Referring to OSI's medical claims appeal solutions, the company representative said that medical billing professionals at OSI have many years of experience in efficiently disputing wrong claim denials. The company's AAPC certified medical coders and billing specialists are experienced in providing appeals processing, denial management and other medical billing and coding services such as charge entry, billing and reconciling of accounts (payment posting), credentialing, and AR management.

OSI's denial management services help providers to:

• Improve revenue cycle
• Reduce write-offs
• Get proper reimbursement

Payment can be denied by the payer for various reasons such as improper CPT/ICD-9 linking, improper modifier usage, COB issues, missing or invalid information, medical necessity issues, verification and authorization issues, improper coding, incorrect or missing information, expired authorization, out-of-state insurance plans or even for invalid reasons. OSI's experienced team carefully evaluates the claims that have been rejected or denied to identify the true reason for denial. The company's accounts receivable department reviews the resubmission and appeal guidelines of that particular payer and starts working on that appeal immediately.

Their medical billing follow-up team evaluates the Explanation of Benefits and aggressively pursues all unpaid insurance claims. The team ensures that supporting documents that show details such as when the claim was originally submitted, or when and how many times it was resubmitted, are attached along with the appeal. Follow-up is handled through electronic clearinghouse, insurance websites and direct contact via telephone.

About Outsource Strategies International

Outsource Strategies International (OSI) is a leading healthcare outsourcing company in the U.S. dedicated to providing customized medical billing and coding services for all medical specialties. Find more details at- http://www.outsourcestrategies.com/

Contact Details
8596 E. 101st Street, Suite H
Tulsa, OK 74133
Ph: (800) 670 2809
Fax: (877) 835-5442
E-mail: info@managedoutsource.com