Orlando DUI Lawyers Parks and Braxton Warn About DUI Dangers and Checkpoints

Parks and Braxton are DUI lawyers in Orlando Florida who handle other criminal matters as well. They specialize in techniques and tactics to fight DUI cases, make sure the law is being followed and the defendant's rights are protected.

Parks and Braxton are DUI lawyers in Orlando Florida who handle other criminal matters as well. They specialize in techniques and tactics to fight DUI cases, make sure the law is being followed and the defendant's rights are protected.

DUIs are a serious problem in Florida. There are many DUI lawyers in Orlando as well as the surrounding areas but the reason Parks and Braxton rise to the top is because of their specialized knowledge in handling these cases.

They have many offices across Florida and a large staff to handle any peculiarities, abnormalities or uniqueness stemming from each case.

Surprisingly, a look at the statistics for DUI arrests in Florida over the last 15 years reveals that drunk driving is a fairly consistent problem. DUI arrests occur at around 60,000 per year in the state of Florida.

In 2006 there were 55,278 people arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. In 2007 the number jumped to 58,824 arrests. 836 fatal accidents were caused by a driver with a blood-alcohol level of .08% or higher in Florida in 2006. That number dropped by 10 to 826 fatal accidents in the following year of 2007.

But looking over the long-term trends all of the education and awareness against DUI's and drunk driving is having little effect. For some reason residents in the state of Florida and likely other states aren't getting the message. Drunk driving is a fairly consistent problem in the state of Florida that only fluctuates by 3,000 to 4,000 arrests year in and year out.

It is a consistent moneymaker for counties and local constituencies now. Many states including Florida have set up DUI checkpoints. The city of Orlando also has DUI checkpoints set up strategically. Conventional wisdom says to avoid these checkpoints even if you're totally sober when you're driving. A simple online search for "DUI checkpoints Orlando" will show you sites with the current information for those locations.

They can be a big hassle, huge time waster, and can reveal other minor issues like your license and registration being out or a tail light being out. Parks and Braxton say it's best to avoid these checkpoints whenever possible by putting an alternate route into your GPS. Sometimes you may not even be aware of a violation that a checkpoint could reveal.

Parks and Braxton would like to be your Orlando DUI Lawyers .