Organize Your Home for Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season begins June 1, and most people aren't ready to leave quickly in an emergency. Professional organizer Janice Russell has some quick tips on what you need to be prepared.

The hurricane is getting worse, and suddenly, it looks like you and your family need to leave the house immediately. Are you ready to go?

Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 27-June 2. Although storm researchers aren't expecting a bad season this year, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared, said Janice Russell, of Minding Your Matters Organizing.

"It's always better to get organized before the storm hits," Russell said. "Aside from bottled water and flashlights, you also need to have your emergency papers and documents at hand to grab during a quick exit."

To do this, Russell recommends keeping a binder with the pertinent information. Although it's also good to store it electronically in the cloud as a backup, storms often knock out power and Internet connections. The pertinent information should include:

Identification and credit cards
Extra cash
Phone numbers for your insurance agents, along with your policy numbers
Other important phone numbers, such as for family members. Remember, your cell phone may not work, so have the numbers written down in case you can't access your phone's address book.
You should also have "before" photos of the items you own and your house. Ideally, those are kept somewhere safe, such as a bank deposit box.

"We never think that we'll have to leave our house in a hurry," Russell said. "But with a little preparation, such frightening circumstances can be just a little bit easier."

Need additional information? Visit MYM's webpage dedicated to disaster prep:

About Janice Russell
Developer of the Flexible Structure Method™, Janice and her team at Minding Your Matters® has an impressive reputation for helping clients achieve "flow". "Flow" as Janice calls it, is the blissful state of having an organizational process that supports your life and lifestyle. A Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization, Janice is also a Certified Organizer Coach and the author of "Get Organized This Year!". Janice's practical and caring approach to organizing is the basis of her high-content live workshops and webinars. Janice is a Golden Circle Member of National Association of Professional Organizers and Program Mentor Coach for the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. She serves the organizational needs and challenges of both business and residential clients, as well as provides training intensives for fellow organizers nationwide. To enjoy meaningful tips and gain immediate access to all of Janice valuable resources, please visit her website at To schedule a consultation or request Janice to speak please call 919-467-7058.