"Organic To-Go" Mobile Food Pop-Up in Appalachia in Final Stretch for Funding

Organic concept store, Mission Savvy, aims to bring a healthy culinary pop-up to Appalachia this summer that will travel to festivals and fairs around the State.

Festivals, fairs and well-known events like "Bridge Day" bring many to West Virginia in the summer time to celebrate the State's history, rivers, mountains, and music culture, nestled within a natural scenic landscape.

It's easy to conjure up an appetite for good, fresh, fast food at these events where options are typically limited to deep fried "fill in the blank" snacks and other unhealthy treats. Local grocer, Mission Savvy, believes that there is a market for good, fresh food that compliments the Mountain State's "wild and wonderful" pristine forests, fields, and streams.

"It's important that everyone, everywhere have access to healthy food, especially healthy fast food", says Jennifer Miller, owner of Mission Savvy. Her proposed mobile food pop-up "Organic To-Go" is not your average festival vendor.

Mission Savvy is an organic concept store in Charleston, WV that is breaking the mold with fair and festival food options such as gourmet veggie dogs, sunshine burgers, raw veggie spring rolls, and mouth watering vegan desserts.

"West Virginia communities are driving this initiative because they want healthier options; I'm just helping to put wind in their sails with "Organic-To-Go", says Miller.

This is what Miller calls a consumer activism project; giving the community an opportunity to create a project and resource by voting with their dollar. "Organic To-Go" is currently running a campaign for funding on the innovative website Kickstarter.com: A Healthy Culinary Pop-Up In Appalachia

Mission Savvy's target is to raise at least $8,000 by May 4, 2012 to outfit a "pop-up" trailer that will travel across the State beginning as early as June 1, 2012. Everyone can donate to support this project revitalizing the traditional food culture in a rural state like West Virginia. And true to the design of Kickstarter.com, each contribution receives a reward of recognition.

"West Virginia is a creative community with a sustainable drive, and 'Organic To-Go' is a piece of a greater plan that supports healthy lifestyles in an everyday way", says Miller.

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About Mission Savvy

Mission Savvy
202 Hale St
Charleston, WV
