OptiMaskPro Has Been Launched on the European Market

OptiMaskPro LLC boasts with growing number of users in the last couple of months.

A couple of months ago a new acupressure mask has been launched on the European market. The company-producer - OptiMaskPro LLC - boasts with growing number of users in the last couple of months.

OptiMaksPro produces external magnetic field and via 22 massaging fingers it massages and affects acupuncture points around the eyes and therefore influences metabolism, blood circulation, oxygenation and nutrition of tissues. The device design was created by specialists using computer program and it thoroughly corresponds to area around eyes and acupuncture points in this area. According to the product's description, the massaging fingers made from high-quality non-allergenic silicone, which makes massaging fingers soft and flexible. At the tip of each finger there is a permanent magnet made from alloy of precious metals.

OptiMaskPro can be considered as a mask with multilateral effects. It is suitable for people who suffer from frequent headache, eyes strain or work under constant tension. In the same time it successfully fights wrinkles, eye bags and dark circles around the eyes. In addition, if you are already suffering from a certain sight-related diseases and are wearing glasses for a longer time, using OptiMaskPro alleviates these unpleasant conditions.