OpenBI Reviews New Pentaho IPhone BI Extension

With current trends towards mobilization in mind, OpenBI has reviewed Pentaho's iPhone BI Extension and are overall pleased with the results.

OpenBI, a leading a professional services firm specializing in open source business intelligence solutions, announced today that it has completed a review of Pentaho Corporations' iPhone BI Extension. OpenBI reviewed Pentaho's application as a part of their mobile BI strategy. OpenBI expects to integrate mobile BI applications into the overall BI strategies for their current and future customers.

Pentaho's iPhone app, initially released in 2008, provides native iPhone web navigation of Pentaho BI content. Users can access and navigate business intelligence information through the easy and intuitive app.

OpenBI tested the most recent version of the app with the Pentaho BI Server 3.7. Paul Ko, lead engineer on the project, was pleased with the application. "Reporting looks fabulous on the iPhone," says Ko. "Reports are easily magnified and centered - nearly identical to the desktop version." Ko noted areas of improvement required to support the analyzer and dashboard functions and expects that Pentaho will address these issues in later releases.

With the tremendous popularity of the iPhone and now the iPad and other mobile devices, OpenBI recognizes the importance of being able to provide mobile BI access to their clients. A 2010 study by the Aberdeen Group Inc., "Mobile BI: Actionable Intelligence for the Agile Enterprise," found that 84% of respondents already had mobility initiative plans. Not only that, but the same report claimed that companies that had broadened their access to BI actually use that BI more effectively. OpenBI is positioning itself to help clients implement their mobile BI initiatives and get the most out of their intelligence.

"Our customers are information junkies," said Kevin Haas, a principal consultant with OpenBI who has been watching the mobile trend closely. "Mobile access to key business metrics lets our customers make quick decisions on how to optimize their performance. Pentaho's mobile platform will accelerate OpenBI's ability to deliver on this vision."