OpenBI and Case Commons Join Forces to Provide Cutting-Edge Analytics for Human Services Agencies

OpenBI and Case Commons release a case study on a recently completed Analytics Jump Start integrating analytics into the Case Commons™ case management platform for human services agencies.

OpenBI, a leading professional services firm specializing in open source business intelligence solutions, has completed an Analytics Jump Start with Case Commons, a non-profit technology startup incubated and funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF). The Jump Start builds analytic tools into Casebook®, Case Commons' unique web-based family information management platform.

The Casebook platform enables frontline caseworkers serving vulnerable children and families to make better-informed decisions and focus on family outcomes. To begin building analytics capabilities into Casebook, Case Commons engaged OpenBI on the Analytics Jump Start.

OpenBI deployed the Pentaho BI Suite, along with innovative data visualization libraries, to serve the needs of multiple audiences and present information across cases, families and cohorts to illuminate patterns. The system combines multiple measures in single dashboard pages to show relationships between activities that may not be self-evident. The dashboard views serve as entry points to visualizing and interacting with datasets at various levels of aggregation, along with providing the ability to drill down to case- and family-level details. All of these capabilities include social features such as news feeds, favorites and followers.

"This is a big win for children and families. The data visualization capabilities and social features have sparked many an exciting conversation about how Casebook Analytics can help 'turn the curve' and make a big difference in family outcomes. The resulting Analytics proof of concept has been very well-received by our funders and other partners." says Andrea Hollen, Director of Analytics & Research for Case Commons.

To read a full case study on the Analytic Jump Start, visit the OpenBI website at

About Case Commons

Case Commons, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization at the front of a new movement that believes our nation's most vulnerable children and families deserve the help of the same robust 21st century technology tools that power our businesses and personal relationships. Case Commons, Inc. has pursued this vision through the development of Casebook, the first family-centric, Web 2.0 tool for human services case management. Casebook demonstrates how 21st century government can use 21st century tools to improve performance, save money, and work more effectively for Americans.

Casebook was incubated by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the leading philanthropy dedicated to child welfare in America. Case Commons, Inc. shares the Foundation's mission of improving the well-being of vulnerable children and families and continues to receive Foundation support.

About Pentaho Corporation

Pentaho is reinventing business intelligence by introducing an agile approach that makes it faster, simpler and more cost effective to create reports, dashboards and analytics. For a free evaluation download Pentaho BI at