OPEN Opportunities in Envirotech (OPEN): A Global Finance Company in the Renewable Energy & Cleantech Sector

OPEN is finance company with a network reaching across a wide range of countries and industries. OPEN takes a value investment approach to projects and businesses which result in added value to society both financially, environmentally and socially.

OPEN Opportunities in Envirotech (OPEN) is a global visionary finance company that is offering a new way to invest in cleantech projects and business.OPEN has a professional network that covers Europe, Asia, The Middle East and the Americas, with existing investment opportunities available.

OPEN was established to help address the greatest global economic and environmental challenges of the 21st Century.

OPEN invests in renewable energy assets, like wind and solar parks, which can create predictable and secure income streams. In addition, OPEN seeks long-term capital growth through investment in equity and debt in the securities of companies who are active in the renewable energy sector and in clean technology markets.

Access to renewable energy and cleantech projects across the world are offered to a global community of investors, through a variety of financing structures.

OPEN brings together experts from various sectors, including global finance, energy, technology, business leadership, marketing and media. Investors, entrepreneurs and project owners benefit directly from a company established on the basis of insights into progressive investment strategies, renewable energy and cleantech trends. OPEN also provides access to a worldwide network of investment projects.

OPEN's mission is to create a global network of investment opportunities in order to accelerate the drive towards sustainable energy solutions for the planet. Focusing on cleantech and renewable energy projects of a very high calibre, OPEN identifies and commercialises innovation, bringing new energy solutions to market with investment, as well as a wide range of support services.

You want to know more? Visit the corporate website: