Online Wisconsin Respite Care Database Now Available

A free, online database is now available for families in Wisconsin to use to find respite caregivers.

The Wisconsin Respite Care Association in partnership with Easter Seals Wisconsin has created an online respite care provider database. This database can be found at and was created for anyone looking for in-home respite care for their loved one with disabilities.

Respite Care may be a foreign term to some but it is one that is well-known and essential to families and caregivers of children and adults with disabilities. It is a temporary relief for caregivers and families who are caring for someone who has a disability or other specials needs such as chronic or terminal illness.

“We found that many people struggle with finding qualified, trained respite care providers who will have the required skills to provide in-home respite care for individuals with a variety of disabilities, including highly challenging behaviors, and basic medical and personal care needs.” stated Jim Schroeder, Executive Director for Respite Care Association of Wisconsin. “The providers on the database have all completed training and a background check, giving family members peace of mind with regards to who is taking care of their loved one.”

The ultimate goal of the training and database is to address the shortage of qualified in-home respite care providers in Wisconsin and expand an online referral source for families and caregivers to access these trained providers in their communities. The online training course is also available through the Respite Care Association website.

Both programs are free of charge and supported by the U.S. Administration on Aging’s Lifespan Respite Care Program, Project #90LR0022/01. Click here for information about the Lifespan grant.

 For more information please visit or call 608-222-2033.